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WYAVASTHA-DARPANA, | | 64 begotten, and one produced by a wife dily authorised, but not their other sons, are capable of inhariting. That is not satisfactory : for the issue of an appointed daughter, the son given, and the rest, are fauttless; and the offspring of the wife, and the sou legally begotten, are not specially mentioned in the texts of Mina and the rest. It should not be argued, that no ground of preference exists whether the text of Manu shall be restricted as bearing the same import with the text of Jäynyaralkya, or this be considered as exhibiting instances which clueilute the meaning of the other, for Manu is superior to all the legislators: Thus Prihaspati – “Mass holds the first rank among legislators, because he has in his code the (whole ) sense of the Weila : no code is approved which contradicts the sense of (any luw promulgated by ) Manu.'—Coleb. Dig. vol. III. pp. 822, 823. (g) “Provided they have no disability;”—that is, provided they are free from defects which cause exclusion from inheritance, such as blindness, densness, and the like, “They may take shares;” not a mere main'enance.—Coleb. Dig, vol. III. p. 321. (i) “Traitorous wives "this term, according to the Ratnākara, positively denotes transon, such as the attempt to administer poison or the like, not merely a contentions spirit. ("onseqnrntly, the same married wife, who autohs to he banished from the habitation low her husband, shall in like manner be expelled by his brothers and the rest.—Coleh. Tig. vol. III, p. 324. 翁 624. A son being in ess", the daughter does not share the inheritance, but, if Vyavasthā. unmarried, she is to have wealth sufficient for her marriage. Recause, the texts intimating that a quarter share should he given to the daughter, notwithstanding the existence of a son, are at present construed to mean that wealth sufficient for the nuptial expenses is to be given to the daughter, if unmarried.—See ante, pp. 457–459. In practice too, a daughter's succession is never seen while there is a son. 625. The heritable right of the person who has given up the worldly concern Vyawaath » becomes extinguished, just as that of the hermit and others quitting the condition of a householder."-See ante, p. 1 I. • There are two occasious, upon either of which dominion may he transferred from the father in his life-time with out his consent, whether the propertv, elained by the sons to to divided, he ancestral or acquired. These are, voluntary devotion, by which the father is considered as having renounced it, and degradation from easte by which it is forfeited. Another its foubted one is his entry into religion that is, his assumption of the one of other of two religion orders, by which a slindu is accounted dead in law; the consequence also being the same, that his heirs take his estate. They coustitute the third and fourth stages in the progressive advancement of the Hindu, from birth to death; the first being that of a student ; the second that of a married man, or householder: the third (the first of the two in question) viz that of a hermit (Pānaprastha, ) for which the appointed age is fifty; the next in that ef ž, ( Sanyisi, or Yati ; ) that of the Anchoret was left at the beginninig of the prerent ( kali ) ge subsisting, when that of the Hermit is said to have been abrogated.--Str. H. L. vol. I. pp. 118 16. Vide Macn. H. L. vol. I. p. 2,