পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড.pdf/৫১১

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WYAVASTHA-DARPANA. 1158 two, of a rowlys; and one of a side"—The numbers here stated, ‘four,’ &c., are intended to refer to the tribes.-Ibid. These women ale wedded wives. So Poitiisan shows: “Four wedded wives of a Bráinana are allowed; and three, two, and one, of the rest (p)respectively. (p) Of the rest.) Of the Kaiatriya, ke, in their order three, two, and one, may be allowed.— Ibid. Though (such a marriage be) in the direct order of the classos, Manw and Piahnu have strongly censured the union of a man of a regenerate tribe with a Siúdrá woman.—Ibid. p. 148. Accordingly, Sankka omits Skúdra in describing a wife eligible for a twice born man. “A Bráhman), a Kshatriyá, and Voisiyá, are propounded as the allowed wives of a Bráhmana ; a Kshatriyá and a Voiskyá, of a Kshatriya , but a Voisiyá is ordained the only wise of a Ρoιπλγα : and, a Shadrá of a Säädra.-Ibid. p. 144 Manu (then ) propounds the distribution among sons of four classes. “Let the venerable son take three shares of the heritage; and the son of the Kakatriyá wife, two shares; the son of the Voishyá wife, a share and a half; and the son of the Shudré wife may take a share. Or let a person, conversant with law, divide the whole collected estate into ten parts, and make a legal distribution by this (following ) rule : let the venerable son receive four parts; the son of the Kshatriyá, three; let the son of the Voisiyá have two parts; and let the son of the Shadré take a single part.”—Ibid. p. 144. Two modes (of partition) are propounded on the supposition of some ( superiority of ) good qualities.—The son of a Bráñnana by a Kshatriyá wife, if eldest of all by birth, and superior in virtue, shall be an equal sharer with the Bráinana son; and the son of a Bråånana or of a Kuiatriya by a Voiskyá wife shall, in like circumstances, be an equal participator with the Kahatriya son, So Vrihaspati directs:—" The son of a Kshatriyé wife, being elder by birth, and endowed with superior qualities, shall have an equal share with the venerable son of the Brákmans; and, in like manner, the son of a Voietyá wife shall share equally with the soldier.”—Ibid. P. 145 But land, wich has been acquired by the father, through acceptance (of a pious donation) shall belong to the son of the Bréisast exclusively, not to the Kaiatriya son and the rest ; and the house and hereditary field appertain to the sons of regenerate classes, not to the 84*dra,-Ibid, p. 146.