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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

V YAVASTR Á-DARPANA, 744 of old by the lord of creatures.” Nor is the marriage dissolved by the natual death of either of them, for then the person surviving, if without a son, must, as widow or widower of the devels. ed, perform the funeral obsequies and continue to effer the oblation of food and libation of water 鄰 聯 to the manes of the deceased periodically and annually as prescribed by the law, and if there he a son, the survivor is still enjoined by the law to offer the libation of water to the munes of his or her deceased concert. In the case of civil death also, the relation of husband and wife is not absolved, for if both of them he so circumstanced, they are still husband and wife; is...one only, he or she can join either in the degraded state (in which case they both are legarded as ciri'iter wortuus,) or after being purified by expiation : on the other hand, the person who was not cirilil, r morturs on join the other, who is so, sharing his or her fate; and in all of those (latter) three cases the dolmant relation is revived. The circumstance of one of the married couple dying in the state of degradation unatoned for, and the other remaining pure at that time, is the only one that causes alsolute dissolution of their marriage or the relation of husband and wife, as then ceases entirely all connection of the deceased with the survivor, who in that case is lot to perform the deceased's funeral obsequies and to offer periodically and annually the oblation of food and libation of water to his or her manes. This Sau k/a and likhi/a -“ 0f him who has been foìmally degraded, the right of inheritanee, the funeral cake, and the libation of water, are extinct.” The Brahma-purána too says: * Of degraded persons there shall be no cremation, nor funeral sacrifice, nor gathering of 錢 - p their bones,”f A DIIITERY, 424. Adultery is a criminal offence, not a civil one.j Vyavastha Consquently. 425. An action for damages, brought by the husband of the adulteress, against

  • ("h. {). v. 46.
  • Coleb. I)ig. vol. III. pp. 800, 313.

t See Mac. H. L. vol. I. p. 61,