পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৫২১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

VYAVASTHA”-DA FPAN A. 399 let the rest share. equally,” the text of Boudi. A y ANA directs the best A chattel to be given b - - - - : ه »* in t «» i h مه © C - eldest, and one out of ten cows or other decade of homogeneous things.” Boudha YANA —“On the death of the father, the portion of the elde-Won is, in the , - R. - - »rder of the four classes, a bull, a horse, a goat, and a sheep.” - *) share is ordained for the youngest ; the rest shall have equal allotments, and an unmarried so, shall - - - \ NATADA :—“To the eldest a greater portion shall be given, a worse (or if - also have a portion.” Dev Ai,A :--‘‘The mean portion (or forticth part) is ordained for sons who have Ibi'e'f (*nsi 影 *hsions ; but let the tenth part of the heritage be given to the eldest who conducts his o. r to law.” / ide Coleb. Dig. vol. I I. pp. ጓ“oor : $ $ roliii.;. 546–587. Thus the deductions ordained by the lawgivers are so different that it is impossible *On, jl - - W. *] It a them. It appears however clear that they may be given according to special cir r“པ་་་་་ It appears morover clear that those of the brothers who are endued with good qualities તેના entitled to deductions; as is most explicitly declared by VRIn Aspati —“Of those & who is endowed with science” and good qualities is entitled to receive a greater portion? 4 ༤་་་་་་་་་་་་་་

  • he sons shall succeed to their father's estate, as is ordained ; but he who is distinguished by so . - o and good conduct, shall take a greater share than the rest. Progenitors become truly the para
  • of a son, through him whose fame is spread in this world, for science”, skill in arts, courage, wc ;

and for knowledge, liberality, and virtuous actions.” That brothers deficient in good qualities 3. addicted to vice are unentitled not only to deluctions but also to their shares in the heritage,' as is manifest from the following passage of the Piráil shangúrma, , : “'The greater share in right of primogeniture, comprising the twentieth part and so forth, is denied to an eldest so who is not virtuous, by the foùowing text. “All those brothers (whether first born or young r) who are addicted to (any) viee, lose their title to inheritance. Virtue as well as primogeniture is declared requisite.” The conclusion arrived at on consideration of all the texts cited and commen taries, &c. i8, t hat good qualities render brothers entitled to deductions, and that the extent or propor

  • “ Science”-stud of Pedag - -
  • - - and | o • ۶ مه .("r: Mr: - * - - «ه . * a l: می ده the first three classes, 醬 brthлната ༣༥le:i་ཐ༥.ཀྲྀ་ཀཱn༥ hes of the sacred literature : and that is peculia, to.