পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৫৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

SUMMA RY OF CONTENTS 冢 昏 密警 只 (“HA PTER I. --T'IIE ORDER. OF SUCK'ESSION. 4. 盛 “ਂ sarnon I.-- Heritage defined. $ s-crvon II.— Of the eause of heritable right or what constitutes title to inherit. ... 3 § Of the child in the womb. 3 - 7 Of missing persons. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... 3 ! I Nucrion III.–Succession of the son, son’s son, and great grandson. * • • ... 3 | 7 sworton IV.--On (the right of ) succession to the estate of one who leares no son, son’s son, or great grandson-- The widow’s right of succession. @ @ 象 ... 5 29 The extent of the widow’s right in the property inherited from her husband. * - - * * * e - - - - - - - - . . ; 55 The daughter's right of succession. The daughter’s son’s right. 齡 @ @ Es I 5 I (35 The father’s right of succesion. - - - * * * - - - - - - - | 6 | 75 The mother's right of succession - - | 7 | 7 f, The brother’s right of succession. - | 7 ብ ኲ7 Succession of the brother’s son. * l 9 I 95 Of the brother’s son’s son. 1 9 J #3 Of the father’s daughter's son. 2] 2 I I Of the brother's daughter's son. ● 2] 265 Succession of the pitternal grandfather. 2:3 267 Of the paternal grandmother. - • * - - - - - - 2:3 267 of the paternal grandfather's son, grandson and great grandsons. ... 23 27 l. Succession of the paternal great grand sather. - - - 23 275 Of the paternal great grandmother. - 23 2.75 Of the descendants of the paternal great, grandfather. 23 277 Suecession of the maternal grandfather. an a te - ... 23 277 Of the descendants of the maternal grand sather. - - - . . . 23 2.79 Succession of the maternal great grandfather, and of his descendants. ... 25 279 Succession of the maternal great great grandfather, and of his descendants. - s - - - - - * * - - - to so to 25 27 on Succession of the Sakułya or distant kinsmen and the rest. - - - 25 285 Succession of the spiritual preceptor and the rest. - - - - - - Ջ7 ՋՋՁ Obsequies &c. of the late owner must be performed. : 27 205 Succession to the property of a hermit and the rest. 27 297 Soorlox—V. On usage. 27 30s Snorrion–VI. On maintenance. 2 9 3 l s