
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

| v | but as the remote cause of earthquakes also by reason of the atomic disintegration which it brings about within the mass of the Earth and the energy which it thus sets loose. How far his theory will find acceptance with those who are competent to speak on the subject we do not know ; but he displays marvellous ingenuity and originality of thought in the way in which he develops his thesis. In this connection, Pandit Vidyaratna has given un exposition of the age-old mantra of the ayattri which is as striking as it is beautiful and coherent in all its parts. Whatever the fate of the learned Pandit's researches into the phenomena of earthquakes may be, his interpretation of the Gayattri will deserve to endure for ever. Sd/- Jitendralal Bannerjee, M.L.C. Sanskrit College, Calcutta, 7/ic 25th Sept., f 9.36. I have read with interest Pandit Krishnapada Vidyaratna's reflection on Ioarthquakes. I am delighted to see a Brahmin Pandit taking a lively interest in a scicentific subject like this. The long article is a very interesting reading and I hope it will be appreciated by many. I very much admire his zeal and interest in the subject. (Sd) S. N. Dasgupta. Principal, Sanskrit Collegr.