পাতা:সাহিত্য-সাধক-চরিতমালা তৃতীয় খণ্ড.djvu/৪০৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

❖ት রাজেজঙ্গাল মিৰ village community. The old school turned ont ready writers and sharp accountants : the new one gives a smattering of geography, history, and rule of threenote of which the people can appreciate, and none of which han a market value . I took upon the indigeiotis pathsala as the best nuelens for the extension of orituary education, and the Government of Banga! has already accepted it. Its plan is to find nut, and not 10 create, schools : but I do not like the tort, given to the Government plan, of nikking it tot strictlv titicial should like to wet the people brought into the place of Government officers. I would ... place the management of the viłłago school in the harðs ei the wiliage hendrnen; a moha thern interested it, and responsible for its welfare ; and to frame the curritulum titi no: tri tr;:ke tha triofit of tht, tittla learning which it can import. Alisoppropriation of grants-in-aid and inefficie" cy should not be visited by resumption ri ratto, on! isy change of headmen and other means. As long as there is need for a schoon, there should te no resumption.–Education Connis ten Report hy the Prwrincin (orniittee, pp, 88i-8'].