? হ’ল কি ! Επώωωωων সবে ড্যাম্ গ্ল্যাড হ’ত, হাতে হাতে মোক্ষ পেত যক্ষারূপী সিগারেট –ঘুচেছে বালাই । বিড়ি চাই—বিড়ি চাই-বিড়ি চাই ॥ (সকলের প্রস্থান । ) নেপথো । বন্দে মাতরম ! ( নেলার সাহেবের প্রবেশ । ) Giżitz That's it boys, that's it some of the Dailies denounce these Natives of India and say they are strangers to Unity and fellowfeeling. Those liars even declare that they have no love for thcir mother country. But lo! what a sight ! These young enthusiasts singing and singing on their National anthem. God inless them God bless poor I ndša, the prospects of whose children lie at our mercy. নেপথো । বন্দে মাতরম । ( রেডক্স সাহেবের পরেশ । ) CHEF | Police ! Police | Hang these rascals, mutineers as they are CzzTA 1 Hallo ! what's the matter ! what do you call the Police for 3 Căvă What do I call the Police for 2 are you deaf 7 Don't these bloody howlings reach your ears 7 In another hour these rascals will get up a mutiny | Have you not heard of their Tederation Hall, where they meet for the purpose 2 C=Izitz ! Ha! Ha ! mutiny indeed ! Do you hail from the Insane Assylum ? who and what are you ? Cool Why, I am an Englishman and a Journalist as you see. CRäsä Journalist indecd a journalist you may be, but an Englishman you can never be,
পাতা:হ'ল কি! নূতন নক্সা.pdf/২০