পাতা:হিতোপদেশঃ (লক্ষ্মীনারায়ণ ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).pdf/২৫৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

॥ झेिषदेश्tः ॥ २३é बां८ब विश्Tांथन्नैौरक कथांछन्न-fकब्रिदा न । अन्छi". चावि কৌতুকাৰিষ্ট হইয়া স্বর্ণরেখাকে আপন হস্তুেকে স্পর্শকৱি য়া চিত্ৰিভা সেই স্বর্ণরেখা আষাৰুে পাদপঙ্কজম্বারা ভা BB BDD DHBBB S BBBBS BBB BBBB BBBDDD অনন্তর ব্যক্তি হইয়া সন্ন্যাসী হইয় পৃষিৰীতে ভূমণ কৱন্ত এই নগরী কে পাইলাষ । পরে খণ্ড ছিৰসে গোপগৃছেভে শয়ন করিয়া দেখিলাম । That is nyinph Ratna-manjari, the daughter of Kanda, pakeli, the king of the Vidya-dhara. She has resolved to give hur hand, even without the knowledge of her father, to the person, who will cosae and behold this golden city with his own eyes:" therefore consent to be united by the Gandharva mods of marriage. After this, I was married to her aceording to the ceremony of the Gandharvas (by exchanging necklaces ) and continued a long time défighted with her. One day, as we were in private together," she said, -Husband, thou mayst edge; overy thing which is here according to thy wish, except فيه be the beantiful Swarnn-rekha, a certain Vidya-dhari, who is not to be touched of any eue. Sometime after this, at as entertainment, being is a merry inood, I was tempted to touch the erbs of her bo. som, and for my presumption she spurned ms with the sole es her foot; after which i found myself in this country; and at length travelling about in great distress, I chanced to discover this eity, and having wandered about all day, I went to sleep at the house of a certain esw-keeper, i. , , ,