খন্ত্রী strol, s. a disease of the eyelids; decay, the rot in wood, etc.: a, rent, rotten. orgot, e. a purchase; a bill of sale. orwgs, e. the chasing of aperson or animal orso, or of ol, s, parched corn. [away. «Ifstgr, «fag, s. catechu or Japan earth. oscoso, s. a purchaser, a customer. *ICWJTS, s. a fire-fly, the sun. ***, *, a sky-rocket, firework. orog, s. a rat; a miner, a digger, a burglar. stan, s. a digging, a mining;-off, a dig*Inito, a fit to be dug. [ger, miner. *tol, s. a hog-spear, a snuffling: a nasal. ot-for-1, nasal, uttered through the nose. off, 8, a mine, a quarry, a hole, a cave. offRE, a. dug, excavated. [vessel. *R*R, s. a jarring sound of a cracked *A*[x1, v. n. to emit a jarring sound. *Izotofo, osztoff, 8, the jarring sound emitted by a cracked vessel. [ring. *R*Ifog, a having a jarring sound, jar*rgl, orgt, of is, s, a digging hoe, a spud, *I*, *, the harvest, a crop. [a spade*I*T*E, s, a ditch, trench, a moat, a gutter. of 31, ad quickly, hastily, suddenly. *tvigil, of vitzsä, s. a tile, a roofing tile. **#, s, betel-nut tree (Areca catechu); garlic, a water-jar; city of Harischandra, fabled to be situated in the air. ***, s.a flower in the air (sarcastically, the impossibility of an undertaking). *T**sos, s. crown of the head; a knave. **IXF1, a. wrathful, angry, enraged, vexed. **Bost, s. anger, wrath, rage, vexation. **Izos, s. news, information, intelligence. oragsfra, s. a spy, a scout; a protector. orzososos, a careful, active, attentive. orzz wift, s. care, attention. [impure. **rētor, a. malicious, malignant, wicked, **IN, a twisted, crooked, coiled: e. a fold, a coil, a noose; a curl, a ringlet. *-Tito, a, leavened, fermented. spinch. *INS, s. a pinch, a handful: v. a. to gripe, *INSTs, e. the act of pinching, a griping. *Issifs, s. a pinch, a grasp, a griping. **Toto, a crooked,twisted, coiled, curled. **I‘īl, s. a post, a pillar, a stake. n I 89 |
- tor, a beneficial, well, good: e. good
ness, welfare, health, happiness. orgot, a light brown: e. a species of fish." **Tots, s. a charity, a gift, alms-giving. orgiot, s. a gift, alms: a, intended for a gift, given or received in charity. **1, a decayed, worn out, injured. *Ios, s. an ass, a demon, a räkshas slain by Rāma, heat, catechu: a hot, rigid, sharp, pungent, cruel, harsh, brittle. **{{Cost", s. a hare, a rabbit. [bass. *I*T5, s. expenditure, money, expense: a. *[[5°3, s. money for expenses. *[[543 WTAs, s. a servant whose office is to supply the household expenses. *[[51, 8, expense, the costs of a law suit, orgāt,a, expensive,extravagant: e. a stick used in knittingnets; fee of aprostitute. *[[axi,sharp-nosed; acute organ of smell. *[[os, a. excessively sharp, very keen. *[[*sū, s. ared variety of basil; the Teak or Indian oak (Tectona grandis). «i?TC«iTŷ, a. well-baked, well-burnt, (applied to pottery, bricks, bread, etc.) •rz gşî, <tğT |şi", s, the musk-melon.” *[z[*Ife, a. sharp, pungent: s. dried to*** Gil, s. the name of a fish." [bacco. of soil, s. a receptacle for a spindle. of 31, v. a. to overbake, calcine: a over baked, calcined; hot, dry: s. a hare. *[Tts, or or Iffezi, a. overbaked, calcined, burnt in parching or baking. *IATA, a bad, evil, spoiled, rotten, wicked. otát, a, evil, badness, wickedness, ruin. *Ifta, s. a purchase, otola. purchased. onto, s. a purchaser, one who buys. **Toto off, s, the same as orgat. 2333, a rough, sharp;-ofoil, quicklyo, s- the itch, a cutaneous eruption. *regg, «reást, s. date-fruit, anditstree." off, s, a beggar's dish; the skull, crown of the head; a collyrium for the eyes. <rá, a dwarf, pigmy; ten thousand milof 5", -o, s. dwarfness, shortness.[lions. ots, a. deceitful, guileful, artful, crafty, dishonest, knavish: e. a stone-mortar. | ***If it, s. a novel, a legend, a story.