ទ្យា soot, s. a bow, a rainbow; a circle. ofoss, e. a handful of waterforwashing the mouth; the tip of an elephant's trunk. stos, a calculable, numerable, notable. so, v. a. to deliver to a person's custody. $f $, a. gone, past, last; ad. by-gone;-ofo, past time; -offs, sunk in reputation. গত -কল্য, -দিন, -দিবস, s. yesterday. o, a. dying, past recovery. stoos, a. dim, of decayed splendour. sforosito, a bereft of former respect. গতর, গাত্র, গ, অঙ্গ, শরীর, s, the body. of egtsä, s. the past night, yesternight. of 53 so, a, fat, plump, fleshy, large-bodied. stags), s. indolence; collectedness, arof 1, v. a. to deposit, deliver up. [rears. 5Rotoss, s. a going and coming. [obsolete. *Toro, a. antedated, out of date, or use, soso, s. a depositing with, a pledging. stofosso, following orimitating others. গতানুসূচনা, the inutility of after-thought. 5Rosols, s. intercourse, coming and going. solo, a dying, expiring, past recovery. of staff, retrospective, looking pastevents. sist, s. motion, going, progress, a procession, a course, a condition of life, a refuge, an expedient, fate, fortune. siso, e. a condition, circumstance, a position, a resource, an expedient, a scope. sfăfăigl,s.delay,procrastination,trifling. sisoffs, e. intercourse. [resource. off foota, a. motionless, helpless, without offon, or son, a lazy, indolent, inactive, dilatory, procrastinating. offocals), a passable, fit for motion. গতিরহিত, গতিহীন, a. same as গতিবিহীন sts&oiso, e. the power of motion. *I*, *, the heaviness of a former meal. of W, 8. a disease, sickness, speech, a word. stal, srwigst, s. a club, a mace, a bludgeon. 5|WT:T5, s. a stroke with a club. stwoszt, s. a name of Balarám. [ons. গদাযুদ্ধ, s. a battle with clubs or bludgeșist, sista, s. a cushion, mattress,pillow, a siso, s. spoken, said. [seat, a bench. issota, a possessed of a seat or bench. গদী, a. bearingamace, armed with a club. o 2 [ 99 | গব
- Rsra, a interrupted by sighs: ad, sobbingly; -oto, speech interrupted by sobs; -ets, speaking with sobs. গদি, s. a jest, ajoke, a repartee, a taunt. offorts), a. proper to be made ajest of of WJ, a. prose; pleasantry, humour. stwoof, s, prose, a measured prose. গদ্যযোগ্য, গদ্যাহ, a fit for prose, prosaic. stos, a. passable, accessible, practicable. 531, 8, a traveller, one who goes, a goer. stát, s. a cart or car drawn by oxen. so, s. a scent, a smell, odour, a perfume, fragrance, a relationship, a connection; -fora, fond of scents; -wiwa, the name of a mountain; -o, scented, fragrant. şİzz5, s.sulphur,brimstone; sandal-wood. sf*zstę, s. lignum aloes, sandal-wood. ofosso, s. a species of polecat." ***Toto, s. sulphur, brimstone. [cary. stofo, s. a perfumer, druggist, apothesoforagil, s. a kind of medicinal resin. officzal, s, the lemon grass.” sfostgs, g. the Indian wormwood.” stofot, s. a variety of rice; a flowering গন্ধমূষিক a. the musk-rat. [climber.* 5so, s. myrrh. 5sotsi, s. the king of flowers.” offé, e. the choristers of heaven. etc. softws, e. the polite arts, viz. music, stofoto, s. a marriage in which the parties make the contract ling, fetid. stol, v. to perfume, emit scent: a stinksfossows, s. an offering of perfumes, etc. to the deceased ancestors. [fumes. stofffath, s. a preliminaryoffering of per5so so, s, the emitting of a scent: a fetid. sist, s. a bug, a flying-bug; a druggist. stol, soioi, s. a gulping sound. [port. sizwi, s. chitchat, tattle, a story, tale, restovíazzi, s, tittletattle, chitehat. sifovizi, siozit, a.talkative, garrulous,addicted to telling stories. [to fail. sizio v. n. to cast the young, to miscarry, sizyl, v. a. to write unintelligibly, to do a work clumsily, or so as to spoil it. sfoto, s, the doing a thing clumsily, a. writing badly: a badly written, or done.