পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৩৭

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চিত [ f5x5, #si, s. a musk-rat. চিককুড়, 8. a thunder-bolt. fosso, s, glossiness; a vivid light. fossfäät, s. a glow, a vivid light. fszost, a. oily, smooth, greasy; polished. fözoforo, s. a flash, a glance of light. fsory1,..f5 of, s. a shrimp, a prawn. footfotostol, shrunk up (as fried prawn). f55fosso, s. a shrimp, a prawn fish. fsfö51, s. the snake-gourd." fGRzörzs, s. the same as fss Ft T. fstaff, s, the power of intellect. fool, s.the tamarind tree and its fruit." f55, s, rust, mouldiness, mildew. f5üi, s.mouldiness, the smut of corn, mildew; a chit, a note: a viscous, clammy. fsö1sy,8. liquid molasses for tobacco. fo, s. a letter, a note, a chit, a note of hand, a bank note, a draft, an order. fstoß, a spread out, patent. fsBf5fGşi, aviscid, ropy,sticky, tenacious f5571, a mouldy, rusty, viscous, clammy. fostsy, s. liquid molasses for tobacco. fsīrift, fööIscator, s. mouldiness, rust. fsīt, s. a letter, a note an assignment. föy, v. m. to cut, to be exasperated,to fret. চিড়, 8. a slit, a crack; vexation, passion. fo, s. cracking, fretting, being vexed. f5 golfga, s. the splitting any thing. fool, s, rice soaked and flattened: v. a. to teaze, to vex, to exasperate. [son. fsgfa, s. ateazing, exasperating of a perföfgo, s. a twinging, a throbbing pain. fsfgassitz ei, s. the shooting of a pain. f5foots, s. a fowler, a bird-catcher. föfoom, s. a bird; -of-1, an aviary, a cage. for, foolf, s, the twinging of a sore. fool, v. n. to twing, to twitch. [sion, f5#f5;, s. exasperation, petulance, pasfosso, fosofol, a captious, peevish, cross, splenetic, testy: s. a plant.” sofo, s, the sensation of itching, sing. f5%ffol, a throbbing, twinging, smartfss,s. the soul,intellect, the heart: a.lying on the back, turned upside down, supine: v. a. to recline, to lie on the back. চিতই,চি Sofoil;1, s. a sort of riceflour cake. 125 | চিত্রি fSS-Trz, s. a species of fish." [wort.“ fss, a spotted: e. a funeral pile; leadfsofofg, s. a spotted kind of Cyprea. fössworwa, s. a shroud for the dead. föstorya, s. a becoming mouldy. forza, s. a shroud for the dead. চিতাবাঘ, চিত্রব্যাসু, s. a leopard. f5&fex, e. the ashes of the funeral pile. চিতাভূমি, 8. the place of a funeral pile. fossostol, s. ascending of a funeral pile. fosscotfota. ascending the funeral pile. f55tafāq, s, the Axis or spotted deer. föfðatoi s. a species of snake. [outcry. f5&ots, s. a scream, a squalling noise, an f5szoforoso, g. a loud noise, a scream. föð, 8. the mind, the reasoning faculty, the heart, the affections. |tions. foots, s, one who steals away the affecfsafot, devoted to an object, zealous. f5 oz. Tw, s. the sentiment of the heart. föözto, s. a disgust, displeasure, ill will. fossa, s, the state or bias of the heart. চিত্তভূম, 8. a mistake, vagrancy of mind, a f5gossy, agreeable to the heart. [vagary. f5ăfsgr, a averse, disgusted, dissatisfied. fSCEfSSfSz, s. pensiveness, melancholy. f5Cascot, s. perplexity, anxiety of mind. fGeorŲfx, fss offs, s.the falling into a reclining posture with the face upwards. f53, s. a picture, a painting, printed linen, a miracle, astonishment, a circlet or mark, a variegated colour: a. variegated, speckled, surprising, astonishing. f53-53,fsūstā,8. a painter, artist, draftsfsazştzJ, s. alliteration, an acrostic. [man. f5 offt, a. painting, variegating. fsgs-3, s. the registrar of Yama, [dy. fszffszi,a.variegated, checquered, gaufssets, e. the sun; fire; a name of Shiva. f53Cool, g. in mytho, a female famous for describing every thing at her will. fögo, a, having the hand reversed. f531, s. a star in the spike of Virgo. f535t, a. surprising, ravishing (applied to a particular description of women). চিত্রিত, or চিত্রীকৃত, a, painted, variegated, speckled, spotted, checquered,