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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৪৪

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ছাক [ 132 ) छ्ज्ज goats, s. one who sings the Sáma veda; 1 #fol, e.g. to cause to strain: a strained. also, the name of a grammar. #5, a covered, concealed, secret, solitary,

  1. 5, s, forming ofthefoetus, or of eggs in the womb; a mould; a model, likeness.

private; foolish;-α*it, vide zwC«*ii. | &f5ät, s. a Churning stick. gozig, s. a thatched roof, tester of a bed. #ffs, s, the eaves of a house. FfI, s. a drawing, picture, a portrait: beauty, splendour, brilliance, lustre. gfog, s. a picture-painter, a limner. ছমছম ঔ- perturbation of the mind. #3, a. six; -soo, the six vital enemies of mankind, viz.. zOEISI, lust; 県†«í, anger; coise, covetousness; golf?, fascination; FIA, pride and মাৎসর্য্য, envy, malice. zaś B, v. n. to splash, to scatter, to break: v. a. to throw about, to splash about. gfú, s. a vomiting, a belching. Boi, v. a. to impose upon, to deceive. fz*1, 8. contrivance, stratagem, pretence, artifice, pretext, deceit, a trick, a plot. zsistēs, zz$ffát, a. suspectingaperson to be an impostor: S. one so suspects; animpostor, a cheat, swindler, sharper. gān, s. the using of pretences, theimpos ing upon or cheating of a person. os-R1, 8, a pretence, a trick, a deception, circumvention, fraud. [sharper. ofoil, a. swindling: s. acheat, swindler, EEt, a. idem; also a blotch, a scab. &āgāi, a watery, flowing, gushing out; Easy, a. sixty-six. -F, to gush out. #1, v. a. to thatch, to bottom a chair or bedstead: s. the young of an animal. gfo, s. ashes. [water (when raining). Eirē, s. a whip, scourge; a beating in of gfúss, s. a camp, an encampment, barracks, an awning, a tent, covering of a drum with skin, the bottoming of a chair or bedstead, thatching of house. gfēitol, s, the space under an awning. wfsztIzt,EI37T37, 8.achild, aboy. [hood. His31st, s. childishness, childhood, boyol, s, a shade, shadow, shelter. [sift. #14, v.a. to strain, to filtrate, percolate, ছাকন, s. straining, filtering, draining off. #Tool, s.lees; a strainer, a sieve. #sofoil, s, one who strains or sifts. #Post, s. a strainer, a sieve, a colander.

  1. ffs.<ry, s.the thatching grass called čo. #ffsoil, s, the space under the eaves. of$osta, s. a fine variety of betel-leaf. | Horsal, a cast in a mould, mould-made.

Élis, v. a to lop off, trim; to clean husked rice: s the cuttings of paper or cloth. #fürs,s, a lopping, a trimming, a clipping of paper, etc., acleaning of husked rice. #17, v. a. to tie the legs of a cow to prevent its kicking when milked. [ters, #TW, s. poetical metre, the strokes of let#sofa, or #f7f, s, the tying the legs of a cow to prevent kicking when milked. #twitHot, s. a cord used to tie the legs of Esso, v. a. to strain, to sift. [a cow. gton, s. the act of sifting or straining. #Tofo, s. a strainer, a sieve, a colander. †ost, s, one who strains liquor. [clear. &Izol, v. a. to cause to strain: a strained, &fs, s. a goat, he-goat; -off, sacrifice of agoat; -zTAH, goat's flesh;fem. ZIsft. Eisfi, s. a goat; -nis?, dunga of goats. Hİştzītsfīfāzi, a goatish, letcherous. Estofossa, s. a medicine made of a hermaphrodite goat and other ingredients. ছাট, ছাটন, the same as ছাট, ছাটন. gfū, s. a switch to strike grasshoppers. &förs, s. a clipping, atrimming, cleaning. gfūfī, 8. the clippings of paper or cloth. &föl, v. a. to cause to clip or trim a thing. or to lop a tree, to cause to husk rice: a. clipped, lopped, cleanedfrom the husk. #ifa, s. a causing to clip, trim or lop a tree, a causing to cleanse rice: a clip ped, shorn, trimmed, lopped, cleansed. Histoft, s. a causing to clip, trim, etc. ET, v. to relinquish, to abandon, desert, evacuate, to leave off, depart from, to abate,to unloose, discharge, withdraw, liberate, emancipate, divorce (a wife).

  1. Tyfoot, otgsäfoi, s. a release, a pass

- port, a clearance for goods.