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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৫০

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জন্ম sin, s. a person, a man, individual. sing, a. producing, causing, begetting: s. a father; in mytho, the father of Sitá. gasol, -o, s. causality, fatherhood. gol, Solo, s. a multitude, a crowd. on, s. birth, production, the producing gotát, gafosit, s. a mother. [of a thing. Ginow, s. any inhabited country, a region. growsfosso, s. the governor of a country. gafos, a. popular, esteemed by all. Eī=Ustaz, s. people, men, mankind. gas, s. birth, production. [king. G|Rosso, s.theson of Parikshita, a Hindu sinosa, s. a rumour, a report, fame. goiţă, s. one of the Hindu paradises. Gaaffè, s. a report, a rumour, town-talk. six-isso, says, s. a multitude, a crowd. *āzū;1, s. a corpse, a funeral. Gafsirs, a. specifying each person. *śnists, s. a seraglio: a female, relating oats, s. a species of grain.” [to woman. জনাদন, S. one of the names of Krishna. gifo, a born, begot, produced, caused. & Cosso, ad, individually, one by one. gig, s. an animal; -sow.ji, zoology. orgaja Cowfows1, s. in ana, zootomy. *śńsz, a. alive, living, existing. Gizi, v. a. to be born, to be produced. Go!, s. birth, production; -W1, to cause to produce, to beget; -āg, to be born. Giotăţa, Gosso, a. inherent, hereditary. golfèsor, s. a birth day by the lunar time. Gowfool, s. afather, a parent, one who beSixson, s. a birth-day, day of birth. [gets. GossCWTA, s. a fault or blemish of birth. Goa, s. a being born, a resulting from. &TCX53, S. transformation, regeneration. Gastoio), s. a change or defectin birth. gasoft, s. a birth-place, a natal soil. Gascoito, s. the great end of life, the pay ing of the debt of nature, death. goto, golfgs, a connected with birth. **I*TR, 8, a native place, a birth-place. Goss, v. a. to produce, beget, bring forth, to propagate, to invent, create, cause. SWITN, s. a producing, a propagating, be getting, the inventing of a thing. I 138 1 জম gastor, s. another birth, a future birth. Gotts offsås,acquired in a former birth. gossos, ad, in another birth. ūasso, a, born blind, born without sight. gossaf, a from a person's birth. Gossal, s, the producing of a thing. 5ztzt:Tİz, ad. assoon asit was produced. জন্মাৰ্জ্জিত, a. acquired by a person's birth. golföist, s. the birth-day of Krishna. Gisosal, s: being born, a being produced. ūrū, a. producible, caused by, arising from: s. a cause, a motive, reason. GCRJ, ad, on account of, because, for. so, v, a to repeat the name of a god, to mutter over prayers. [a prayer. Gof, s.therepetition of prayers, apraying, giviso, a. engaged in repeating prayers. tivifol, s, engagedness in the prayers. ū’īātā, a. worthy of being repeated. [ry. GioiTTf=1, Goiz?, s. aprayerbeads,a rosaGoil, v. a. to cause to repeat the name of any god, to instigate: s, the repetition of prayers; a flowering shrub.” ūziszt, s. the inducing of a person to repeat the name of a god, instigation. ūzij, a. worthy of being repeated. ga, s. barley. Properly siz. *śīzz, a above, powerful, strong, proud; -wo, supreme,forcible, powerful,;-wfg §aft, force, coercion, compulsion. Grāfs í, a. young, active, alert, agile: s. a young man, a hero. Iness, heroism. gif|Wif, s, youth, agility, activity, alertsoft, a young, active, alert, agile. *giata, s. the tongue,alanguage, speech. gataafa, s. a written deposition. sizsät, a verbal, expressed by the tongue. Gatist, s. youth, activity, agility, alerttiarz, s. an answer, a reply. [ness. grafft, s. one who answers: a. answering, six go, s. wetness, dampness. [replying. Gizgātāl, a wet, damp, clammy, poachy. so, a.subdued, reduced, seized, confined. Sist, v. n. to congeal, to candy, to coagulate, to freeze; -sifal, to be congealed. tisso, s. show, pomp, parade: a twin. GISTR, s.freezing,congelation,coagulation.