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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৭৯

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তির wfo, s, a card, gold thread, a frying pan. reso, s. a brushing away of dust. [brush. total, s, a kind of drum: v. a. to cause to rofosso, s. causing to brush: a, brushed. ofol, pr. it, that;-co, in that, in it.[pital. GIzz, s. agreement; rent; -osial, a hosfoot, s. a furnace, a portable hearth; a fös, pron. he (honorific). [plant.” fo, s, a bitter taste: a bitter, aromatic. fool, -o, s. bitterness. [fragrant. foil, s, heat, pungency, the heat of spices: a hot, pungent, acrid, sharp. f33', a, sharp, keen, pointed. [cantile. *fsētge, s. merchandize. Gāīgs Št, merতিড়িৎ বিড়ি৭, or তিড়ি^মিড়িx, s, a quick jumping up; -o, to jump, to gallop. fos, v. a. to wet, to make damp. so, a bitter; -offs, a bitter herb.” fog, s. the Francoline partridge. fool, v. a. to cause to wet, to wet, to moisten: a. moist, wet, damp, bitter. fč&IR, s. a wetting: a. wetted, moisteued. fosfäni, a forty-three. fosé, a sound used to call hens and cocks. sofol, s. distress, disgust, vexation, anguish, a suffering or enduring. [vexed. sosofo, so so, a. distressed, disgusted, fosse, g. the cochineal insect. fềfēf?, s. the Francoline partridge, the name of a sage, the Yajur-veda. favits, or foots, a fifty-three. soft, s. a lunar day, dayofalunarchange, fÈR, a. three; -orfa, 3 pieces; -8°, threefoal,” s. a small stick, a bit. [fold. fool, feafs, a three (complete articles). fossa, pron, he, she (honorific). f$f3 #ì,fērā;,s. tamarind,tamarindtree." তিন্দুক, s, a kind of ebony. foss, s. a large fish, a whale. sofore, a wetted, moist, annoyed. [rena. fĞfēt T, s. darkness, obscurity, thegutta sefossgators, a dissipating darkness. fÈ FIZI, s. a class offishermen. fēgtāgs, fề sfēg, a, seventy-three. *footwo, s. a number, a calculation. fềg sig, fềgfām, s. abuse, insult, repre hension, censure, reproach. [ 167 ) o তীব্র fèg, s, a, abused, censurod, insulted, rofèg ta*, fè gtaz*, ninety-three. [viled. fêgton, a. eighty-three. fêcasiosa, s. disappearance, concealment, a cover, a sheath, a veil, a cloak. fêcorifos, a covered, hidden, concealed. তির্য্যক, a moving tortuously or awry. foss.csinfo, s. a brute animal. so, s. sesamum and its plant; amole, a freckle, avery smallportion, amonent; in accounts the 80th part of a cauri. fog, s. a mark on the forehead made of earth or sandal, freckle, mole; in comp. it signifies nobility or pre-eminence: a. spotted, freckled, chief, pre-eminent. §azotz, s. a moment, a short space of foso, a. minced,cut into shreds. [time. footo, s, oil of sesamum. [ted. foil, s. a hill: a dotted, speckled, spotfoss-tigl, s, a sort of sweetmeat. sèso, s. a caste among the Hindus. sofoil, a dotted, speckled, spotted. sẽfĦHITH, s. a species of dove. footzillé, s. a variety of bottle-gourd." società, a. making a great ado about a little thing, mountains of mole-hills: s. a great ado about nothing. [heaven. sèCostasi, s. a courtezan of the Hindu foot, s. a kind offrumenty or ricemilk. stě, a. stop, stay: v. a. to stay, to contifool, s, permanence, stability. [nuefëfài, s. linseed; vide stămai. [folds. fossi, a three-fold, doubled into three št*, s, heat, sharpness, pungency, passion, haste: a hot, pungent, sharp, keen, acute, zealous, active, intelligent. §two -os, a. active, zealous; -oto, sharpotos, s. Indian horseradish. [edged. otosí, -o, s. sharpness, pungency. £rofo, s. wit, acuteness: a witty, sagaofas, -ëa, s. sagacity, wit. [cious. strong power of digestion. Sivrist, a sharp-pointed. (ing or fishing. stag, s. a class of Hindus living by hunt§to, a. sharp, poignant, pungent, severe, excessive, energetic, urgent; -offs, rapidity, swiftness; -otist, sharp-witted.