দেন। zooij, s. evident ugliness or defor#528, ad seemingly, ostensibly: [mity. ####4, a producing evident advantages or consequences. [similitude. wšěTą, s. a simile, a parable, a metaphor, দৃষ্টি, s. vision, sight, look, view, a vision, a scene, a prospect. [sight, in view. দৃষ্টিগোচর, a. perceptible to sight: ad. in দৃষ্টিঘর, s. the pupil of the eye. দৃষ্টিদোষ,s. fault or error in vision. [ing. দৃষ্টিপT5, s. casting a look, looking, regardwojzzato,a.opaque, obstructing vision. ने, s. a god, a demon; a title: a give. *দে আনৎ, দে অনিদারী, s. integrity, conscience, homesty, justice, piety. Tous. co-stawiszt, a.just, faithful, honest, conscicost&rol, s. a kind of red powder. cwe sit, s, a collateral relation. Ldoor CWüşt, s. a vestibule, porch, entrance of a cačğtata, s. a porter, a turnkey. [pujá. co, s. a temple; a patron of the charaka cofol, s. a bankrupt; -f, bankruptcy. CHÈFft, s. a religious illumination in hon our of the goddess Kāli; a bankrupt. C78 5, s. a volley. [of a thing. cwgo, or cool, s. the giving or granting CW 3:2:187, s. a giving and receiving. co-ot, v. to see, look, view, observe, visit. corn, s. a seeing, a viewing, observing. Co-sl, v. a. to show, display, point out: s. a seeing, sight, interview, a visit: a. seen. দেখা দৃষ্টে, ad. evidently, clearly, openly. Cottafos, ad. face to face: 8. the imitat ing of another person, imitation. costs, s. the showing or exhibiting of a thing: a. shown, exhibited. [thing. costs, s. the showing or exhibiting of a Cosso, a, perceivable: s, one who shows. CW-Tool, s, the evidence of both sight and hearing: a. seen and heard. co, or cool, a. one and a half. cośl, s. sickness: a, half-boiled (rice). Colosso, a refulgent, conspicuous, reCossa, s. a species of grain “ [splendent. CW-773, s. a debtor: a having debts. Conwrāt, s. the condition of a debtor. ol, payable: s. adebt, that is to be given. [ 186 ) দেবে। CWatzitézil, s. debt and demand or income. CWT31, a. offered as an oblation. cWz, s. a god, a demon, a heathen god, a king, a person of high rank: voc. c. Sir. cozzot, s. the name of Krishna's mother. দেব-কুসুম, ৪.a clove;-offs, a natural pond, a river, the ocean;-5sq, the class of god; -গৰ্জ্জন, thunder; -os, like the gods. Cozol, s. deity, the deity,a god; the clouds. CWAG, s. the same as CWCAT53s, cozo, s. deity, divinity, godhead. çR TRē, a. given by a god: s. a term designating one whose name is not known. CWAWIzo, s. name of a species of pine tree.” দেবদূত, s. an angel, a divine messenger. দেবধান, দেবধান], s, the same as দেবান. CWaffo, s. a blasphemer of the gods. coafowl, s.censure of the gods, blasphemy. CWafo, s. a believer in God, a theist. Cozfūl, s. a belief in God, theism. দেবপূজক, a. worshipping heathen gods; 8. an idolater, a worshipper of demons. cool, s, idolatry, the worship of gods. Cozziąt, s. an oracle, a divine word. cĦz Rīgā, a, (land) watered by rain. CoacsiIf, a. descended from the gods; s. a demi-god, an infernal being. CW aff, s, a husband's younger brother. CozzTS, s. the king of the gods, Indra. coff, s, a divine sage. [goda. দেবল, দেব স্থল, দেব স্থান, s. a temple, a paCȚztzīta5, s. the abode of the gods, heaven. CWA HE1, s. court or assembly of the gods. coat.nzl, s, idolatry, attendance on gods. CW 23, s. sacred property, a sacred thing. CWafo, s, one who injures the gods. দেবহি৭সা, s. an injury done to the gods. CWAT&T’so, or CW41553, a. worshipping the gods: s. an idolater. [gods, idolatry. দেবী রাধান 1, দেবাচন, s. the worship of the CW afox, cofo, s. a temple, a pagoda. CWAIázsoč1, s, the owner of a temple. cot, s. a goddess, a queen. CWCafés, s. endowment of a temple with land or other property, an estate given for the support of the worship of a god. দেবোপাসক, দেবোপাসন', see দেবারাধক, &c
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৯৮