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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২২

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তনু language, viz. aroot, an affix, an augment, the permutation of a letter. szzgita, a. probable, possible. Rozsář, a following, attendant upon. otz, s. a response, an abusive reply. অনুবৃত্তি, s. a consequence, a following. *Toto, s. an after-thought. so, a crooked, awry, not erect. si#e*,8.experience. experimental knowledge, a guess, an inference, a supposition, a hypothesis, a surmise. অনুভববিরুদ্ধ, a. contrary to experience. *To exfo, a proved by experience. so, ad. experimentally. [cation. *Toto, s, firm opinion, certainty; indis=sist, s. acquiescence, consent, permis: sion, a commandment; -71, to permit. sosial, s. one who gives permission. অনুমরণ, অনুমৃতা, ৪. a woman’s burning herself on a separate pile. [thesis. Soto, s. a guess, an inference, a hypoঅনুমানকুর্বা, 8. one who infers. [ference. Sossafro,a. contrary to legitimateinsistafio, a proved or established by Rossco, ad. probably. [inference. Rotoio, a, leading to an inference. ostfoss, a forced as an inference. ofoto, a. inferred, guessed. *Infoso, s. an inference, a guess. অনুমেয়, a. inferrible. *Rostāt, a following, arising as a conse quence from some circumstance. §¤f€f, s. a reproof, a reprehension. <Exifiit, a. reproving, reprehending. SECTEJ, a. reprehensible. [fond of. So, a. attached to, enamoured with, অনুরক্তি, s. love, affection, fondness. Soso, a giving pleasure, causing delight, pleasing, gratifying. Tject. অনুরঞ্জন। attachment, delight in an obRossostof,8. attachment, fondness, love, afsağ15ft, a. affectionate, fond [fection. of{1, & the 17th lunar mansion. o, a complied with, conceded to. szzo, a corresponding with, like.ing. oft, a. assuming same habit, imitat*Notostol, s, one who shows partiality. [ 10 J অনে অনুরোধ,৪ complaisance, partiality. [ing. otát, a. partial, complaisant, concedWolfo, a. anointed, smeared with. STECF-, s. an unguent, anointing oCoTofo, anointing: S. one who anoints. Soosz,8. the anointing with unguents. os-Costs, a favorable, helping forward, going with the grain or with the hair. SURGETISTS', a. produced or born in due gradation or order. অনুশীল F, s. study, attention, devotedness to any science; -o, to study. অনুশীলনীয়, a. deserving to be studied. Wootto, S. repentance, regret, remorse. Ross53, 8, one who repents or regrets. <N*{*T5=I, s. the repenting of an action. Woottsätz, a requiring repentance. sztottfFS, a. repented of, regretted. st:irrià, a. repenting, regretting. অনুশ্রব, ৫. learned by dictation. Ross of, s. attachment, love; agreement. অনুষ্টপ, s. a measure of verse, viz. 32 syllables, or 4 lines of 8 syllables each. *II STEZI, a. fit to be practised. sosol, s, one who does or practises. Soof, s, practice, a practising, application, diligence, a topic of discourse. *Toto, s. an aim, search, research, en quiry, investigation, scrutiny. অনুসন্ধানী, a. inquisitive, curious. Woofits,a,ascertainable, investigable. অনুসন্ধায়ী, a. searching, seeking, enquir ing, investigating, scrutinizing. o, s, the following of a person. অনুসরণীয়, a.sitto be followed, inferrible. Sosso, s. a consequence, conformity. *Tot, a following, according with. otos, ad, according to, in virtue of Rosso, a reflecting, indicating. §5R1, 8, reflection, indication. অনুসূচনীয়, অনুসুচরিতব্য, a. indicable. Wojsso, a known, reflected on. SNE İz, s. the masal character *. অনুঢ়, a. unmarried: s. a bachelor. STFl, a. fem. unmarried: 8. a spinster. *Nozo, a. many, much, abundant. Rogoziol, ad. of many sorts: a various.