পটু, a, eminent, clover, able, expert, skilful, dexterous, diligent, smart, sharp, crafty: s. baize, woollen cloth. পটু আ1, s. a painter, a limner, an image*sūol, s. a girdle, a belt, a sash. [maker. টুতা,-তত্ব, s.expertness, eminence, clever*itifā, s. a cucurbitaceous fruit. Iness. পটোলতোলা, s, the gathering of Patola; (met) a dying, death, flight for debts. vio, v. n. to fall in wrestling. vision, s. a stumble, a slip of the foot; -stig, to knock down;-ot1, toget a fall. *io, v. a, to throw down in wrestling. ofa, s. a dashing, a throwing down. *sū, s. a kind of silk; a mark on the foreof $43, s. silk cloth, satin. [head. of Gosfost, or of it, s, the chief queen. *IF, s. the same as (#. offat, a. snapping, crackling. viðTT, s. a reading, a reciting [read. oito, of gas, vis), a legible, fit to be <ifz, à read, repeated, recited. ojoso,a. in the condition of being read. o, v. n. to fall, drop, to fall into disuse, to occur, happen: v. a. to read, repeat. ofoit, or Pisgiviyāt, s. a neighbour. *sūl, v. a. to cause to fall, happen, or read, to teach: a.fallen, fallow, uncultivated; reading: s. a lesson, a throw at dice. ofo, s. causing to fall; a teaching, causing to read, casting of dice: a, reading. off gaso, s. the woof of a piece of cloth. প ডুয়া,পড়ে,৫.fallow, waste; reading: s.a student, a pupil, scholar, a school boy. viol, s. a wager, a pledge, a bargain, a stipulation, a condition, a compact; 20 gandés, or 80 cauris;-o, to bet, stake. eiasitși, a. subject to a wager, negociable. পণপূরশন্যায়, . the reckoning of a sum or counting of articles over and over. wiazifoil, s, the laying a wager. visitoia, s. matter of indifference. [wager. ofo, a. made a matter of trade, laid as of oz), a. merchantable, saleable. <ios, a futile, fruitless: s. a eunuch, a blank (in a lottery).
- i**et*, s. a fruitless labour, a plodding.
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- tist, a laborious to no purpose. *s, *, learning, philosophy; brahmans of Jagannāth's temple in Urioso. [pher. orfoss, a.learned: s.learned man, philosoofessia, or of oss, s. a class or society of learned men, or of philosophers.
•ifa* &i, .w, s. learning, philosophy. ofonts, s, a society of philosophers. *forfeitão, a.esteeming or accounting one's seli to be a learned man. [dise. *s«J, a. marketable, saleable: .merchan***, *, a grasshopper, a bird; paper-kite. o, a falling: s. a falling, subtraction. visito, a fallible, liable to fall. “fig, s. a plate of metal, an iron hoop. of $125, s. a flag, an ensign, a pendant, a standard, a weathercock, a signal. vistát, s. a standard-bearer. [possessor. ofs, s. a lord, a master, husband, owner, *ifol, s, a grasshopper, butterfly; a kite. offo, a. degraded, fallen, laid down with grass, neglected, uncultivated, fallow; -vitza, purifying the fallen, or sinful. *ifooftol, a loving her husband as her own life, burning with her husband. oforo, a, having a husband, married. ofol, a chaste: s. a chaste wife. পতিম্বর, a. choosing her own husband. *ign, a. building, founding: s. a city, a town, the settling of a colony or town, laying a foundation; advance of money for manufacturing any article. vigaton, a. (article) for which money has been advanced beforehand. [thing. vior, s. a wife, the female owner of any «qa, s. a leaf, a blade of grass, the leafof abook, a letter, a writing;-metal plate. •i**, s. a leaf, a letter, a writiug. zis?$$, s a hut of leaves. vigstonisifo, s. correspondence by letters. sigutglad..by meansofaletteror writing. vialog, s. number of the page in a book. *istoft, s. a list of tickets in a lottery. ot, s. a letter, writing, a bird, an arrow. of, s, a road, path, way, route 3-ol, to lose the way, to go astray, [journey. ofotogrs, s. road expenses, provision fora