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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৩১

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


  • osity, s. a message, a letter. offgos, s. a messenger, a prophet. ***IFTET, s. a slipper, a shoe. **Total, a. produced, born, created. of stol,otatol, s. drain, gutter, aque

duct, watercourse, a spout, a tube. *::Ing, a. prosperous, fortunate, lucky. *vso To, a trampled on, ruined, overrun. *RI#, s. milk, water. oil, s, a copper coin; money. ors, a. made of milk, produced by milk. »IfTät, a. milch, giving milk. *ioto, s. a marching, travelling, going. vigios, g. a metre, a measure of verse. *ICHI of, s, the teat or udder of an ani mal, a woman's breast; a cloud. off, witHTsafr, s. the sea, the ocean. *io, v. a. to dress, to put on clothes. *Ios, a. other, another, different, remote, next, subsequent, following after, inimical, adverse: s. a stranger; a feather. of so, a. at another's expense. orzoil, a transparent: s. glass, crystal. orgotá, s. another world, a future state. *::::$ty, a belonging to another. otal, a fem, belonging to another (an epithet of a loose woman). [probation. oforos, s. an ordeal, experiment, a trial, a wigs-oswigs, 8. one who tests or tries. orotatist, s, the making of experiments. vios off?, s. an experiment, a trial, a test. wigsfel, s. a district, a division of a coun*so fo, s. another person's house. [try. *Toto, s, false hair, a wig, a periwig. orsosol, s.the shadow of another person. ofoi, s. another's faults. vigot, s. the eaves of a house. vigo,a. born of, or produced by, another. *fora, s. a wearing, dressing, putting on of of{*:, ad. by or from another. [clothes. *i;so, a. dependent on others, subject. wigsawi, -ëa, s. dependence, subjection. woos, s. a patch, -ossil, to patch. wigs, ad. about another world; in another, among others, among enemies. wigwros, s. another man's wife; adultery. পরদারগমন, পর দারাভিগমন, s. adultery. 2 F 2 [ 219 ) পর of worston,a,committing adultery, s. an orgatást, a. adulterous. [adulterer. *†Ca", s. a foreign country. [eigner. owest, oftwo, a foreign: s a for*::so, conj, but, moreover. *{{*so, s. a catch-word. *****s,a, using a catch-word, [further. *sososos, ad, more and more, further and *so offs, e. a kind of pigeon. [jilt. zig-zastfäät, s. an unfaithful wise, a ****', a.s. twice-married;-á,she who *sosz, s. a festival, a feast. [is re-married. of{{*s, a. subject to another, dependent. **{{{1, s, fear, care, anxiety, concern. *s;ztoft, s.command, order, permission. *{{Tlx1, s. an order, a command, a war rant, a licence, a pass, a passport. পরবৃত্তি, s. another person's livelihood. *so, a, excellent, chief, sublime, great, *iš NGFĪJiol, s. chief blessing. [principal. পরমকল্যাণবরেষু, phra. thou art the object, or worthy of the highest blessing. *::Isototo, a. attending chiefblessing. orosofio, a. highly compassionate. *†ssfö, s. heavenly bliss. [Spirit. ****{#s, s. God, the most excellent পরমপূজনীয়, a. highly revered. of{Waite, s. happiness, consolation. [tee. oig ITFAH,s.an ascetic,self-denying devoots, s. an atom, a particle of matter. পর মাত্মা, s. the supreme Spirit, God. ofossa's, e. excess of joy, sublime pleawigwig, s.rice-milk, frumenty. [sure. পর মায়ুঃ, s. the period of a person's life, the age of a person. [Being. wigwizt, s. an excellent object, a supreme visassista, e. great joy, exalted pleasure. *i; MIosifo o, a highly rejoiced. পরমেশ্বর, পরব্রহ্ম, s. the Supreme God. wig orgs, a communicated from one to another in succession, successive. *{{*{{Tisso, a. descended by tradition. osz oorzi Iziqe5, s. mediate connection. vigolo, s. another world, a future state. পরলোকগীত, or পরলোকপ্রাপ্ত, - gone to the other world, dead. Ideath. vigoats offs, s, going to a future state,