পায় -fz-Ät, a.travellingbywater, voyaging. *iffito, s. an aquatic plant and its fruit.” *Titang, s. the chicken-pox. [water. off-steal, s. a water-bearer: a, full of off:ftefăl, breaking of water: s. a female *isitoss, s, liquor amnii cyst. [disease. offito, s. a hydraulic machine. *isito, a fit for drink, potable: S. water. zifátni, vit=[III, a. watery, diluted, insipid, serous; -ārs, a bleeding tooth. *T*, s. a pair of slippers, shoes, boots. *isco, ad. towards, near. [ture meal). offs, s. stale rice kept in water (for a fuoffs, s. a traveller, passerby, a passenger. *ital, s, eating of first meal after a fast. oro, s. sin, crime, guilt,wickedness; -3, to commit sin; -fstī, to atone for sin. witzzo, s. a sinful action, a crime. oroas, a. guilty of sin, criminal. oitos:53, s. mortification of sin. [luck. ofosso, s. an evil planet; calamity, illoitziz, sin-destroying, expiating for sin. •Toffootag, s. a kind of catechu. [of sin. witzitetst, s. a suffering the consequences *f*f*T*I, a. made up of sin, wholly sin. ofoil, s. Port, the Pope, a father. পাপাচরণ, পাপাচার, s. a wicked or sinful vitvit II, a. sinful, wicked. ofotto, a wicked, intending evil. *iffo, a wicked, guilty, sinful, criminal, highly wicked: s. a sinner, a rascal. ofost, a. sinful, wicked, guilty, criminal; *TST5, s. a wipeshoes. [fem. Pitzitzit. witcoitor, s, a pair of slippers or shoes. witz, s. space between two joints, a knucwitzWil, s. a kind of fish.” [kle, a joint. witzR, vitzz, a. purifying, cleansing. ^itzrawl, -<^, s. purification, cleanness. ofssor, a base, vile, despicable, low, wicked, stupid, silly. Istupidity, idiotcy. offs[z[El, s. baseness, vileness, meanness offs[st, s. a mean woman; a sort of cloth vitastaft, a. going on foot, walking. Ierswitzsäfs[1, s. a pair of trowsers, long drawwitHot, a. pedestrial, on foot. [the feet, oflovs;1, a. sycophant, servile, falling on witHossos, ad, step by step, at every step. [ 228 1 [practice. পারি
- ITTTI, s. a pigeon; fem. *ffHzft. *İTH H, s. frumenty, sweetened rice-milk. *issil, s, the foot, the leg or foot of a piece
of furniture, a situation, office, rank. *T. s. the anus, visã, v. a. to be able. offs, 8. across, opposite shore of a river, a working of pedal by the foot. [ver. off: o, a. able, expert, capable, active, cleoissol, S. ability, capability, activity. offstof, a. well-versed, efficient, skilful, cle ver, studious, going to the other side. eiTT5TS], -SA, s. skilfulness, studiousness. *istoriol, s, the landing-place where a ferry-boat plies. off:[a, s. the being able to do a thing; the first meal after a religious fast. [power. •To &oi=5, a. the object within a person's witzsos, s. subjection, subserviency. পরিত্রিক, a, same as পারলৌকিক, [ing. oft HR, s. quicksilver, mercury; extricat*Tawaso, wità Woost, seeing the other side, far-seeing, skilful in an art or science. পারদর্শিতা, s. skilfulness in an art or sci ence, a view of the opposite shore. witz. Wifrzo, a. adulterous: s. an adulterer. পারদরিকতা, পারদাষা, ৪. adultery. witzrostfoso, a. spiritual, excellent. vitg****f, a. traditional: s. tradition, traditional doctrine, continual succession. wisatàfo, a relating to the next world. oitzforg, s. a bráhman’s son by a shudráni, a son by another's wife, a living corpse. •ffgtaCqzi, s. an adulterine, son by anowitzsi, quicksilver, mercury. [ther's wife. off: fot, a. paid for crossingariver: S. hire *itatātū’īz;1, s. a ferry-boat. [for a ferry. oitzsfarz, s. a pigeon, a dove. of{fzig, s, the ocean, sea, both shores of a river: ad. through and through. witzstga, study; totality, entireness, com pletion; a crossing to the other side. offf:f337, s.the adjustment of any affair. off: GRE, s, the coral tree of paradise.” *f1f5ftstfāzē, a. gratifying, satisfying: 8. a present, a reward, a gift, a gratuity. *iff; wiföJ, a, regular, orderly, neatly. *isselso, a, technical, not common.