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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৪২

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wift total, a hilly, mountainous, belong ing to a mountain: 8. a mountaineer. foi, v. a. to drink, to smoke tobacco. foiĒfy, s. yellow ochre. Íziszt, adrinking. foissol, s. a cage, a bird-cage, a fowl-cage. fool, s. a stool, raised floor of a house. fę¡oì\g1, s. an ant, emmet, pismire. fά<Γ*i, s. long-pepper (Piper longum). foio, s. the black cuckoo (Cuculus indi cus); the spittle when chewing betel. foots, or fosows:st, s. a spitting-pot. f>i<z3, a. chief of cuekoos: s. an appellation applied to an excellent singer. foiz, foizrşi, a. tawny, brownish-yellow. frio 3,8. brownish-yellow colour: tawny. foil, s. a particular vessel of the body. foibosoft, s. a syringe, a squirt, clysterpipe; -71, to inject, administer enema. পিচটী, 8. the concrete rheum of the eyes. fosföss, s, the belly, the abdomen, pelvis. fog, s. a peacock's tail, a crest, a tail. foifo, s. sauce mixed with rice gruel. fosts, v. n. to fall back, recede, go behind. পিছপা, s. a receding, a falling back. foot, v. m. to slip, to slide: a slippery, forgān, s. the slipping of the feet. [wet. fool, v. a. to repel, to cause to go back, to cause to desist; to fall back. foigtät, s, the hinder part, the stern, the rear, the hinder feet ropes of a horse. forgia, s. hinder part; receding, desisting. fosfosso, ad. behind, following behind. fo, foicz, ad.behind, after, afterwards. frigål, v, a to slip: a last: s. slippery. f>fag, v.a. to card cotton or wool, [thorax. foros, s.a cage, a bird-cage, the ribs, the fo, v.a. to strike, beat, hammer, punish. পিটন, s. a beating, a striking, a hammerfotēzi, s. amason’sfloor-rammer. [ing. foil, s. a sort of cake: v. a. to cause to beat or hammer, to beat, hammer out. foliosa, s. a beating, the causing to beat or hammer: a, beaten, hammered out. forfeiff, s. reciprocal beating. [a fish. পিটালী, s. pulp of rice made into a paste; foszi, s. peevishness; a tingling, an fosviol, v. a. to itch, tingle. [itching. [ 230 J পিন্ধ fo, s. the back; the same with foot. sofoS1, s. a knapsack, bundle. [back. forfeifs, ad, one after the other, back to frivol, s, a raised floor, a stool, a portico. soif; or, 8. the name of an edible plant.” foišt, s, a stool, a terrace, the pedestal of foiaso, s. name of Shiva's bow. [an idol. fziè, s. a mass, lump, ball, funeral cake. পিণ্ডখভঞ্জুর, s. Arabian preserved dates. পি ‘87s, s, the offering of a funeral cake. foot, s. a mass, lump, ball, funeral cake. foićto, a, become a mass or ball. footo, a. made up into a mass or ball. foot, brass; -os, brazen, made of brass. forol, s. a father; -strol, parents. [má. fosofsso, s. a paternal grandfather; Brahfossot, s. a paternal grandmother. f*Io, a. paternal: s. a father. fiş -iai, -fiși, -şEI, s. the ceremonies due to ancestors, funeral obsequies. forgos, s. paternal race or family. [cide. পি তৃ -ঘাতক, -দ্রোহী, a. parricide: 8.a parrifrigon,8. paternal or hereditary property. forgoso, a. paternal: s. paternal relations. fosoft, s. Yama, the regent of death. foioso, s, the office held by a father. forgforst:Torst, paternal ancestry, proge পিতৃপুরুষ, s. paternalancestors. [nitors. frigato, e. the son of a grandfather's sister, the son of the sister of a father’s mother, the son of a father's uncle. foLI, s. a paternal uncle. fo, a devoted to a father. fosfo, s. devotedness to a father. foişoriş#ta, a. bereft of parents, orphan. পিতৃলোক, 8. an ancestor, ancestors, forefoil, s. a paternal aunt. [fathers. foil, s, the murder of a father. forg, s. bile, gall; -ctifs, the gall-bladder. forgos, a. antibilious, destroying bile. fosé Gážs, s. a bilious fever. fogoi, s. brass;—Ig, brazen, made of brass. পিত্তোলুন,s. an excess of bile;bilious fever. foiâj, a. paternal, hereditary. [cloak. foioso, s. a cover, a covering, wrapper, foison, s. a pinnace, a pleasure boat. foić, v, a to put on clothes, to dress.