ভাজ stor, s. a part, share, lot, portion, fraction of the numerator, fortune, luck, degree of a circle; -oil, to run away, to escape. etsfossi, s. a sharing, dividing, partition. rotoszo, a. pious, devout, holy, devoted to essfsity, s. a rule of reduction. [Vishnu. esssssss, s. the rule of division. [thrown. otsfrog, s. a place where dead cows are efossessor, s. a partition, partnership: a. being in partnership: ad in shares. efforit, effoscot, s. a sister's daughter. EffȘft=(H, STf5fzIJI, s. a sister’s son. efit, a. sharing, partaking with; lucky: 8. a partner, a sharer, an accomplice. ætsfatgr, s. a sharer, a co-partner. [ges. štsïîzT«ffi, s. a name of Gangá or the Ganofosstol, s. a fugitive, deserter. [destiny. *T*II, s. prosperity, luck, chance, fortune, erossos, ad. by or through good fortune. ofosso, a fortunate, lucky, prosperous. ভাগ্যবান, a. ঠdem. [fortune. escosyswg, s. the commencement of good ef:,v. n. to burst, break: v. a. to break, demolish, change money: s. a breach. Reso, s. hemp, an intoxicating drug. stoffs, s, obstacle, impediment, suggestions tending to frustrate one’s object. EfsFTE, s. the same with Sfsft. - efox, s. a breaking; the name of a fish.” storazotēl, s. a species of fish.” stofo, s. a break, a breaking. [broken. ofol, s. a rupture, a breach, a fracture: a. Esoso, s. the causing of a thing to break, changing of money or note: a, broken. starts", s.change, small coin; secret whispering or insinuation. [insinuating. efoifol, a breaking, causing to break, ofotetso, s. dispute, variance, a falling out, a mutual breaking or bursting. ভাঙ্গী, off off, s, a toper, one addicted to the use of the leaves of hemp. SIĘ, v. a. to fry, to bake, to parch, to Sfēras, s. in arith. a divisor. [scorch. eiss, s. a vessel; a confidant, a trustworthy person; division. [fidant. Efs={e1, s. circumstance of being a con*Totofoliol, s. a parching or frying pan. [ 288 1 ভাপ Sfēt, v.a. tocause tofry or parch: a. fried, parched: s. a thing fried or parched. of GTA, s.thecausing of a thing to be fried or parched: a fried, baked, parched. offs, s. any thing fried in oil or ghí. EIH, s. an elder brother's wife. esúJ, a. divisible; in arith. the dividend. £f5, s, a panegyrist, a king's messenger. esú1, s, the ebb tide: -*No, to ebb as tide. stfäätors, s. a sutler, an inn-keeper. stfäärä, a going down with the ebb. età, s. a lime-kiln, a distiller's furnace, a still, the way the tide ebbs. stocol, s, the afternoon, evening. efotoxifyl, s. a hack-horse. [to hire. erg, s.rent, hire of any thing; -wl, to let sfotfjäl, a tenanted, hired, let out for hire: s. a tenant, a renter. [its husk. of of:st, s. sem. one who cleanses rice from Efs, s. pretence, sham, feigning. ofesso, s. legerdemain, juggling. osts, s. a vessel, a pitcher, a pot, a cup, a razor-case, a case; capital, stock; mimicry, buffoonery; a jester, a buffoon. stselfossa, s. barter, the rule of barter. ofessor, s. a storehouse, granary, treasury. Efsatzft, s. a caterer, a storekeeper, a treasurer, a barber, a cook. [ther's interest. sfw, s. boiled rice; -srtg1, injuring anoērzirgs, sa husband, provider:-offsst, de-, vourer of her husband (abusive term). erosa st:st, s. one who beats her husband. eiso, s. splendour, brightness. [rice. srst, a. living upon rice, pertaining to ofol, serving for mere food: rice-eater. ETs, s. an Indian month containing part of August and part of September. ভাদ্র-বধু, -cost, s.a younger brother's wife. ভান, c, d, to cleanse rice from its husk. ofo,8. the trumping up of a story; error, stafogs,s.one who husks rice. [mistake. STA1, v. a. to cause to husk, to pound. of Ríos, s, the causing to cleanse rice, etc.: a. pounded, husked. [for husking. staff, s. husking of grain; wages paid SfI, s. the sun: SigRFI, the sunrise. stol, v. n. to reek, to throw up steam.
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