মুজা মুখরতা, -o, s. a scurrility, abusiveness. মুখরোগ, 8, a cancer in the mouth. মুখশুদ্ধি, or মুখশোধন, ৪। cleanness of the mouth, sharpness, pungency, flattery. মুখশোষ, s. dryness of the face. [fle. Harri, s. a mask; the bit of a bridle, a snafমুখস্থ,4. in the mouth, verbal, oral, by rote. Worl, v. n. to face, approach: s. split pieces of bambu used to edge a mat door. মুখাগ্নি, 8. a kind of goblin; the putting of fire into the mouth of a corpse. মুখ্যচ্ছাদন, or মুখাছাদনী, s. a weil. মুখাপেক্ষক, or মুখাপেক্ষী, a. partial. মুখাপেক্ষা, ৪. partiality, partial regard. Hofssor, ad face to face, front to front, vis a vis: s. a dispute, a wrangling. *trys, s. a propitious or favorable look (a term of flattery); saliva, spittle. মুখাল, মুখাস, s. a muzzle, a mask, a gag. isofo, s. saliva, spittle, drivel. Noit, s. a sprout, a shoot, a germ. Inent. ಸ್ಧಿ, ೧. primary, chief, principal, pre-emiHof, s, the bean of Phaseolus mungo. *Isrsifā 8, husked bean of P. mungo. মুগHistoft, s. a sort of cake. ಆT 8, ೩ mallet, a club, a bludgeon. *3, a bereft of sensation or reflection, infatuated, stupified, stupid, ignorant. oil, a fem, arrived at the age of puberty. মুগর, s, the large variety of Jasminum মুগরিফুল, the same ascoso. [zambac. মুঙ্গা, s. coral; a sort of Asám silk. মুঙ্গি, or মুঙ্গিবালাম, 8. a variety of rice. মুছ, a. to release, liberate, emancipate, resign, to vacate, to desert, to wipe. MEG, IgG1, v. n. to smile, to simper. of, s, a smile, simper; a kind look: ad. * Sof, s, a Jew's harp. [smilingly. ofs, T5t, s. a shoemaker, a currier, a cobbler; a small cocoanut; a crucible; — cosfoil, a kind of earthen dish and cover to make rice-flour cakes in. মুছড়, c, n. to twist, to squeeze, to sprain. মুছড়া, মুছড়ান, মুছড়ানি, cide মোচড়া, &c, মুছনী, 8. a female shoemaker or currier. *Tool, s, recognizance. [distress, fear. *SRS, s. compression, straitness, penury, [ 308 || মত fit, s. a mean person; the name of a fish. ***, *, act of setting free, emancipation, a releasing, the expelling of the faeces. Wo, s. a species of grass;' an arrow. o, v. n. to shoot, shoot up into flower. **{1, s, a shooting up to flower. Noft, s. a spike of flowers, an ear of corn. soft, s. a small bundle, a parcel, a pack. so, s. a cork, a stopper, the bung of a cask, a plug, a hilt or handle, the fist. মুটীয়া, s: a porter, a bearer of burden. মুটুমহাত, s, a cubit with closed fingers. isot, s. cracking the finger joints; a fat মুটুমুটিয়া, a. crumbling, brittle. [woman. sy, s. the fist: hilt of a sword, a handle; a handful; -ăto, to clench the fist. মুঠী, s, a handful, fist; -মুঠী, by handfuls. মুঠি,মুঠী, a handful, the clenched fist, the handle of a weapon, a plug, a cover. So, v. a. to crop, shave; to overlay, cover with leather, cloth, etc., to gild; to turn, twist, taek, shut (a clasp-knife). Ho, cropped, lopped, headed (as a pollard tree): S. the head, a border, a boundary. Foot, s, parched rice mixed with sugar. slo, s. a cutting of the hair, a shaving, a covering, an overlaying, a gilding. মুড়নি, s, a shaving, the cutting of hair. Tosol, offoil, cutting hair: s. a barber. §§l, v. a. to shave, lop off the head of a tree: to cover, overlay, gild: s. the head; end, extremity; a stump, pollard. Toto, off, s, a shaving, a lopping off. HVTs, ad. from end to end. [head. slot, s, parched rice; the head, severed isofoil, a crumbling, brittle. So, v. a, to shave the head, to cut off the hair, to lop off a tree. is, s, the head, the forehead, a pollard; Ráhu: a. shaven, shorn, bald, cropped. $35, s. a barber, a shaver, one who shaves. $37, s, a shaving, pruning, overlaying. isol, v. a, to be shaved; to cause to lop off: s. a kind of shoes. [covered, gilt. ifo, a shaven, shorn, lopped, overlaid মুণ্ডী, s. a kind of sweetmeat; a barber. Ħ5, 8. urine; a bulbous-rooted grass.
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