পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৩

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অস [ 21 sr$tsfö, a sixty-eight. [eighth. অষ্টাসপ্তত, অষ্টাসপ্ততিতম, a, the seventy<Notazafë, a. seventy-eight. [tagon. অষ্টাসু, or sr$ffet, a octagonal: s. an ocঅটি, a. the stone of a fruit. [all over. অষ্টেপৃষ্ঠে, ad, on all sides in every part, orggots, a. an hundred and eight. otzofo, s, the knee-pan (rotula). ozo, s. the knee. vozo, 2), a. innumerable, incalculable. sexo, ojas, a. unnumbered, innumerable. sI*i^«tj1, s. mon-calculation, not a total. szag. a. insensible, swooned. szi** F, a, unconnected, notin contact. STHAUzI5, s. disunion, disjunction, noncontact; want of necessaries. [joined. SI HAzī£, a, unconnected, incoherent, dis<N*i^*|*I, a. undoubted, certain, sure. অসxমৃষ্ট, a. not associated or united. SUHA FE, a. unconsecreted, unacquired. অসA স্বান, আস স্থিতি, s. a want of sub stance, property, or consistence. So, ad, often, frequently. Roots, s. a want of agreement or friend ship, hatred, a misunderstanding. strio, a. solitary, alone. [tent. o, a. improper, unlikely, inconsisof ETS:[a, s. inconsistent conduct. [ty. Rose, s. improbability, want of properSUH«, a unholy, ungodly, wicked, per verse, incontinent, non-existent. &ziszor, s. wickedness, evil conduct, a bad action, lasciviousness, whoredom. ois. Hoof, s, evil company or connecof so, a. inattentive, inadvertent. [tion. szi őt, a fem. unchaste, impure. szi stofs, s. a cuckold. [gate. ogos, a flagrant, most wicked, profli<I£«, s. non-existence, a non-entity. Ross), a. untrue, false. so, sofa, s. a want of posterity. sing#B, a. displeased, dissatisfied. oùss, s. displeasure, dissatisfaction. of-woo,a.undoubted, unsuspected, sure. sofoto, Rosafo, a not near, distant. *&#314, s, furniture, accoutrements, goods, tools, apparatus, baggage. | অস oj,a rude, rustic, savage, uncivilized, unpolite, unsocial, unfit for society. ojo, -o, s, an unfitness for society, unsocialness, unpoliteness, rusticity. sza, a. uneven, unlike, not level, unolo, s. absence. os-os, a unequal, unlike. Rossow), a not equally learned. <2 =Ig,s.an impropertime, a time of misfortune: a. premature, out of season. issoissos, ad. in an improper time, too late, out of season, prematurely. ssassos, a unable, incapable, feeble. Rosso, a. possessed of extraordinary boldness: 9. extraordinary courage. oatsát, a. uncommonly bold. SIA:TN, a. unequal, not smooth or level. of-facota, s. a scalene triangle. isT*fati, a. not finishing. [ple. অসমাপকত্রিয়াপদ, s. in gram. a particistzī=rā, a. unfinished, imperfect, not accumulated, not acquired. [tions. stoo, a. destitute of adherents or relaofätz, a. unrelated, not associated sSET°;$, a. incomplete, imperfect. [with. ${{*j:{δτύ, s. the aurelia of an insect. RI:1, -ed, s. incompleteness. অসম্প্রদায়িক, a unsocial, unfit for or unconnected with a society, unembodied. অসম্প্রীতি, 8. want of love or communion. <5T*i*a*, s. a want of connection: a. desti tute of connection, unconnected. org, a.unrelated, unconnected with. Rogo, a, uncommon, strange, inconsistent, astonishing, unusual, incompatible, improbable, unreasonable. [bility. szigizal, s. inconceivableness improbaঅসম্ভাবনীয়, অসম্ভাব্য, a. impossible, in probable, unlikely, unreasonable. SzigTseil, s. inaffability, unpoliteness. ogo, a unenjoyed, unpossessed. *Hogs, s. disgrace, dishonor, an affront, indignity: a destitute of respect. <2 o 5, a. averse, reluctant. ofo, s, reluctance, aversion. [tress. অসহিষ্ণু a, impatient, unable to bear dis*Info, -o, s, impatience. [common.