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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৩৯

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লম্বর cartoo, e. the pores of the skin. cartosausa, a chewing the cud; -os, a ruminating animal. [pilation. cạTITrať, c;rtsto, s. a bristling up, horricorrorises, a. affected with horripilation. coststroit, s. a line or row of hair on the catato, s. a seedplot; seedling. [body. *রোশনচোকী, 8. an orchestral music con taining Indian hautboy, drum, etc. cgi-tarst, cgit*rst, light, splendour, lustre. costs, s. anger, passion, wrath, fury. costs], v. a. to exasperate, to provoke. রোষাম্বিত, রোষাল, রোষী, angry, choleric, wrathful, passionate, peevish, fretful. *corrosis, e. a fee, postage, duty, toll, tax. costfoot, s. the 4th mansion in the Hindu zodiac; a girl nine years' old. [diac. Cgstfeestz, 5g, s. the 4th mansion of the zocoffo, s. a fish much used for the table.” consfazo, s, the tartar of the teeth. cow, s. solar heat, sunshine, glare. রৌদ্র, s. solar heat, sunshine, warmth, heat: a. acute, sharp, fearful, terrible, dreadful, violent, wrathful, irascible. coop, a. silver, made of silver. [hell. coro,a terrible: s.a.division of the Hindu *coria, a conspicuous, light, manifest. confocos, s. Balarám, Mercury; emerald. — o, the 28th consonant: v.a. to take, to receive, to obtain. EiềHistēzia, to fetch, to bring oil of so, to take away. sier, s, the taking, receiving, or obtaining of a thing, the accepting of a gift. &igai, s. idem; also, v. a. to persuade, to convince, to prevail on, to bias a person. sigotfon, s. necessary things, requisites, furniture, property, effects, baggage. again, s. persuasion, the act of biasing. zoze, or Ei-ot, s. silk thread for kite-string. #aal, s, a species of fan-tailed pigeon. zigzag, s. lac, lac-dye. [vibrating. **ason, a slender, moving by the wind, **, v. a. to perceive, to mark, to discri to see or notice, to observe. **5, s. aim, a mark, a sign, a butt, a mark to shoot at: a. a hundred thousand. [ 327 | o-1 awa, s. a discriminating sign or mark, a badge, a token, a mark, an indication. oal, s, a metaphor, ellipsis in writing. **Toto, a. distinguished by a sign. ools, e. the brother of Rāma. woot, e. Vishnu's wife, goddess offortune, fortune, prosperity; -sto, Vishnu. awitzig, abandoned by fortune or prosperity, unfortunate, luckless. [ous. লক্ষীবন্ত, লক্ষীবান, a. fortunate, prosper*51, a. observable, perceptible, noticeable; a hundred thousand: a aim, mark, a butt, a sign; fraud, disguise. #51, s. a rod or staff to beat down fruits. *ft, e. idem; a boat-pole, a boat-hook. oisy, s. a staff, stick, a club, a bludgeon. sist, a. adhering to, touching, connected: 8. junction, a particular portion of time. ofo, s. a bondsman, a surety, a bail. Fool, s. suretiship, security for another. ετά<ταΠ, 8. a speech to the purpose. àioso, a writing specifying a particular portion of time reckoned propitious. #31 off, ad. abreast, side by side. affo, s. a girl ten years' old. [tory. sista sħại, zisizisitz, a. vibrating, vibra**I, a small, unimportant, light, trifling, trivial; in algebra, a lesser surd, the lesser quantity connected with it. ****, *, a cadence. [insignificance. **Izi, -să, s. levity, lightness, trivialness, লঘুঙ্গাপ fixios, s, a micrometer. লঘুদোষ, s. a small fault, a venial sin. Footo, a, easy of digestion. লঘুব্যয় - thristiness, frugality, economy. লঘুব্য it, a, frugal, economical. [light. লঘুভার, ৪. a light burden: a portable, লঘুভোজন, লম্বাহার, ৪ a light meal. ****, 3, in algebra, the least root with reference to the additive qualities. os. s. a low price: a low-priced. লঘুরাশী, a set consisting of fewer terms. ****{{T, s. a skirmish, slight war. Iurine. =#ff, s. a lesser surd; urine; -g, to expel লক্ট্রীক্রিয়া, s. the act of making water. Gizi, s. in mytho. a famous city, capital of Rāvana, Ceylon island; capsicum.