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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৬৯

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

সর সভূম, s. honour, respect, reverence, haste, hurry, flurry, confusion, a whirling or turning round, error, ignorance. Hoos, a producing honour or respect. সড়মবিশিষ্ট, or সভূমযুক্ত, a honourable, reverend, venerable, respectable. Toloss),a worthy of honour or respect. ăgostost, a desirous of honour. [respect. Hossos, ad for the purpose of honour or Higso, a honoured, respected, reverenced, ñurried, flurried. [ed, chosen. *T*, a. of the same mind, willing, approvsi*tfè, s. approbation, assent, eonsent, acquiescence, permission, a wish, regard, affection, respect, true knowledge. [sion. HAIGE, a. compressing: H=UHR, compresFission, s. honour, respect, reverence, vener ation; -os, showing honour or respect. সম্মাননীয়, সন্মান্য, a. the same as সম্মানীয়, Hostafforts, a the same as সভূমবিশিষ্ট of Cosfoss,a, worthy of honour or respect. **Ifavo, a, honoured, respected, venerated. #...Trimai, a. honourable, venerable, respectHossessit, s. a brush, broom, besom. [able. Histo, a. shutting or closing the eyes. of, s, the front or opposite part, the situation in front of a place, presence. সমুখে siềzia, to come in presence. সমগব ឳ, a. opposite to, facing, fronting. Tಷ್ಟಿ,ರ್ಶಪ್ಪ, infatuated, astounded, stupiHC:sfē, s. infatuation, stupefaction. [fied. of U′, a good, perfect; all, whole, entire: ad, wholly, entirely, properly, fitly. সম্রাটু, s. a paramount sovereign, an emToso, a. submissive, humble. [peror. #Coff, s, Indra; proximity to a wife; a female friend; a nut-cutter. o, v. n. to move, to go, to remove. o, a cream, thick milk; motion, a going, a lake, a pool, a cascade, a water-fall. Gioro, a going, moving, preceding: s. spi rituous liquor, especially rum. *Hoof, a. obstinate, disobedient, proud. *Hoszorg, s. a king's court, government, an estate, property, a district comprising several smaller divisions, a steward, superintendent, a writer, an accountant. [ 857 ) সরা agań, a belonging to the estate, public: s. superintendence, stewardship. [ter. ors, made of cream: a, butter, fresh butzīzīvā*51, a. menstruous, menstruating. **{{T, s. articles, things, furniture, ap paratus, materials, ingredients. sĩ#ữ, s. a chameleon, a lizard. ##51, s. a betel-nipper, a nut-cracker. ofo, s, a short cubit. *āgata, s. cold, cooling things. [man. *HgWfgr, s. a chieftain, a captain, a head#g wift, s. supremacy, the business of a *Hoot, s. cold, wetness, damp [headman. *HgCottos, s. a cover or lid. [guished. *āzī osts, a, exalted, dignified, distin###4to, e, exaltation, distinction. *##4 #1, s. a supply, travelling expenses. ####1zos;s, s. one who supplies necessaries for a work, a steward, purveyor. oszgsfoss, a. supplying necessaries for a work: e. the office of a surbarákár. #grosof, s. boiled-milk cream, custard. ososol, s, fried cream, baked custard. 7sg31, s. the wife of Vibhishana; a bitch. o, s. air, wind; the name of a river. Hzsā, a. straight, rectilinear, upright, honest, sincere, frank: e. a kind of bird. Agross", coa, s. the same as Wiganj. *οΥ, e. turpentine, tar. [hearted. সরলহদয়, সরলান্তঃকরণ, a sincere, openHosoi, a having flavour, taste or sentiment, juicy, sappy, excellent, good: e. the eypress tree (Cypressus sempervirens). xzrąž?, a. easy, facile, simple. [water. ###1, ###, s. a pond, a lake, a sheet of ####, sigito, s, a water-lily, a lotus. #3, a 5t, e. the goddess of speech and eloquence, affirmed to be the inventress of Deva-nāgari letters and the Sanskrit language, and the patroness of music and the arts; speech, the faculty of speech, eloquence; the name of a river. orato, s, the ocean, a male river. *Agrow, s. a boundary, a limit, a border. #31, v. a. to remove, to use: e. a moving, a removing: a moved, removed, used. **satī, s. an inn, a baiting place.