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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৯

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অস্থিা ofsisszool, s, one eloquent in the veda. staffort, a studied, read, aequired. statist, s. a plant (Bryonia scabrella). *Issoi, v, a to restrain, to prevent. sistan, a not dissolved, not crumbling. *Issoil, or ostoforo, s. a preventing or restraining, a taking care of stoffo, a before, first, former, preceding. įsisil, s. the tip, point, or peak, a nib;a title of honor among Musalmáns' ofoste, s. anticipation, advance. ofossol, s. a wild or useless tree. ofssify, ad. before, prior to, sooner; 8. the place in front; the ropes tied to a horse’s forefeet when in the stable. otos.sfgsviðssy, s. ropes by which the fore and hind legs of a horse are tied in the stable: ad. before and behind. Rossssss, a giving in advance: 8. the anticipation of a payment, an advance. &Issifonoff, a fore-seeing, provident. *It'ssist, a. preceding, coming, about to come; also, vide <IisfisT. staffor, s. a house, a room, a receptacle. stafsson, 8. the forepart of a bamboo. oforso, s, an advance (of money). *18, a. preceding, before, first of all. oisot, s. an advance (of money): a fore most, before, preceding, forward. *13 Co., ad, before, forwards, beforehand. SIIS REI, s. the vanguard of an army. আগুন, অগ্নি, আগ, s. fire. solo-Iisit, s, the woman who burns with the corpse of her husband is so called. orgozs, a. like fire, fiery, touchy. ST3-Rs, a fiery, ignited, igneous. আগুনলাগন, আগুনলাগী ৪, the being set on fire, the setting fire to any thing. *13 fossats, s. St. Anthony's fire. sts footato, s. a fiery arrow. [leader. SIIS EItz, a. preceding: s. a precursor, a &ICss, ad, first, before, onwards, forwards. sitsity, s. a door made of mats. Teative. <so, a fiery, igneous, piquant, provoSTEHT3, s. fire-arms, a rocket, [ing. stos, a. eager, urgent, zealous, perseverstol, s, in music, an accessory grace. E 2 [ 27 | অচি1 ofoto, s. not a landing-place, a bad one ofoto, a, a blow, a hurt, astroke, injury, stoston, a hurt, wounded. [a plague. aross, s, a whirling round, a rolling. আঘাণত, a. whirled round, rolled. ostrzitas, s. a crying or proclaiming. *TSII*, *, a smelling, a scent. sigota, a fit to be smelled, odorous. অসুিতি, .ে smelled to, scented. start, staat, a. a finger or toering. *Tool, s. a chasingdish. ders sfargl, or aizrizs, s. charcoal, coals, cinstorators, s. a jacket, a coat, a frock. *Togiorgi, a like coals, black, burnt. *II*, v, a to finger a thing. [thing. *To siso, s. a meddling or fingering of a ofoilfoil, a fingering, meddling. surfa zi, s. a court-yard, a square court. o, also it, s. a finger or toering. আঙ্গুল, s. a finger, a too -ফুটা -মটক, or -siosa, the snapping of the fingers. SIĘziz Tgi, s. a whitlow. - অঙ্গুষ্ঠান, or অঙ্গুস্তান, s. a thimble. SITÄ zi, s. a finger, a toe. SIIS, SIĘ, s. a shrub, the root of which is used in dying (Morinda tinctoria). Rossbos, ad. uncounted, unmeasured, by Rossboss, s aspeaking, eloquence. [guess. SIIS SIzı, s. a rinsing the mouth after a meal, or as a religious ceremony. Rossitz, a. proper to be rinsed. *Issars, oussol, a suddenly, unawares. otsoa, s. a habit, behaviour, an usage. suis gáta, sisfàvzJ, a. proper to be observed as a line of conduct. [custom. oilsfoss, a. acted, accustomed, done as a of Gozo, a. sudden, unexpected. sists, a rinsed, washed (the mouth). 3.15soil, a. surprising, astonishing. *Issa, s. conduct, common practice, usage, a rule of conduct; a pickle, sauce. sistofago, s. usage, custom, practice, the manners and customs of a people. sissio, a. apostatized, apostate. sisig II gs.,. a actingrightly, punctilious. otson, a. acting, conducting. [prophet. subsJ, s. a teacher, preceptor, tutor, a