কারী FffrşT, s. Port a shirt; a shift, chemise. zoffstät,salascivious or beautiful woman; a flowering shrub (Murraya exotica). *fit, otos, a lascivious, lustful, lewd. of WI, a, desirable, delectable, voluntary. *T*Tosa, s. voluntary death, suicide. *T*, *, the body; -o, a low class of HinETA F5, a done by the body. - [du. **fawl, s, a rule, a custom, a manner, an institute, the rules of grammar, a basis. zotzi'ot, s. a medicinal nut. [some. zētạzitzst, a. resolute, insulting, quarrelof Histofosso), ad, with the body, mind and speech, heartily, in every respect Fosso, a corporal: e. the writer caste. assafo, a. situated in the body, corporal. কায়া, দেহ, শরীর, অঙ্গ, s, the body. assfäzo, stfätsäzo, cot, a.bodily, corporeal. *Toro.a. doing, effecting, causing, accom plishing: s. an agent, a doer. zosofors, a complete, perfect, finished. *Esso, s. an agent, a superintendent. কারখানা, s. a manufactory, a workhouse. KSITs, 8, a cause, areason, motive, an oc casion, a principle: prep. for. Kofoross, e. a deficiency, want, strait. *Tool, -ëa, s. causality. [sonable. *f;solo, a having a proper cause, reazorators, a, become a cause or motive. **sato, s. a caravan, body of travellers. aggrggr, s. business, a negociation, trade. *foratist, a fit for business, active, indus*ofotal, s. a burial ground. [trious. *f*r*itfè, s. artifiee, trieks; a doing. ofol, osotistã, s. a jail, a prison, a gaol. *osso, 8, a large phial for rose water. #fff, s, an effect, an action, issue, action, act, agenoy, an artificer. [man. [ 78 ) কাল £f?, e. a mechanic, artificer, an agent,a maker, a trade; a painful ulcer. [ful. Gizofowal, a expert, active, diligent, usoকাকশ্য, a. hard-heartedness, cruelty, unfeelingness, roughness, niggardliness. Effen, s. Eng. a cornice. offo, s. a Hindu month containing part of Oet. and part of Nov.; name of a god. ofol, *sūroft, g. a bill-hook, a cleaver. stofo,8. niggardliness, parsimony, stingi**f, *. gum Sandarach. [uess. «groffai, e. cotton; also vide «of«rf*. *ssia, s. magic, sorcery, witchcraft. *f:, s.a bow; a bambu. offs, s. business, duty, work, undertaking, an affair, office, a deed, an effect. *fsso-o,-rotozo,8. an agent, a workman. *T*sjoifol, s, workmanship, agency. &fsjäts, ad, in the course of business. assifs, ad, at the end of the business. *T*fiscast, a. seeking for employment. assistoff, a. desirous of employment. *sūsīcosts, s, industry, activity, zeal. zotosísicostsit, a. active, industrious. ossi, 8. time, a season, weather, a space of time, the time of death; Yama, death personified; in gram. a tense; a black, dark-blue, swarthy, sable; -a-f5,-c-Fof, to spend time; -of-Towl, a plant." zofas -ofäx, -zotēta, s. a spending of time. assāfāş, a filthy, black, squalid, dirty. কালকূট,s. venom, mortal or deadly poison. zososos, ad, in process of time. zoos, ossicosa, s. the spending of কালখণ্ড, or যকৃৎ, s, the liver. [time. *Tags, s. a variety of the muskrat.” | *fists, s. a tree and its fruit." [indica). assagital, s. a plant and its seed (Nigella
- Ifog, or offsso, s. a mechanic, work- of so, e. a variety of the sesamum." offo, or offstät, s. mechanielabour, of Toit, s. a species of basil.”
mechanics, workmanship. - #fffa, s. an actress, a dancing girl; act, action, profession, agency; sharp pain; usury: a. fem. acting, doing, causing. *ffo, -o, s. agency, causality. [agent. *ifol, s, a workman, a mechanic; an কারী, a. acting, causing, occasioning.
- I*Toj,a death-like, deadly, destructive. zotogo, s, the line of conduct suited to
any particular time or season. gfzig {gi, s. aspecies of the thorn-apple." assortfisät, s. a species of serpent. zgrantorsi, s. akindofowl (Stryx infausta). stoo, s. a small species of bird.'