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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৯৫

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কে casztat, s. a scribe, a writer, a clerk, accosts, s. a cramp, a staple. [countant. *çostol, s, rent, hire, tenancy; -wso, a renter, a tenant; -wift, tenantship. coal, v. a. to peel, to skin: e. a plantain. costa, a. peeled, skinned: e. the act of peeling, stripping or skinning. coff, s, play, diversion, sport, fun. cofo, s. sport, pleasure, enjoyment. cofo, s. a play-house, a theatre. couisit, s.rice-gruel, sour gruel. coot, e. the hair of the head, a mane. Corigi, a. produced from hair. [Wishnu. Goto, a hairy, shaggy: e. a name of cotfotri, s. the dressing of the hair. c<*ita*, s. the adorning of the hair. costgāh, s. a comb, a hair-brush. Cosos, s. the filament of a flower; saffron. costs, coifs;1, s. name of a plant." coist, s. a hair: a. maned, having hair. co-sta, a bald, destitute of hair. cottosa, s. a pulling of the hair. cost, co-soo, a hairy, having hair. coil, s, the kernel of a mango stone. Co&, &, prom. any body, any one, some **, ad, where? in what place Ione. tool,oal, a tender, young: s. a sucking totato, e. a sucking calf. [calf. toss, s. servitude, slavery. [ling. tasa, s.craftiness, deceit, fraud, a swind****, *. imprisonment; -ortal, a gaol. tot, s, a prisoner, a captive, a convict. ****, *.intoxicating things,intoxication. *Čof Eos, s. a doubt, a circumstance. ****śl, a.addicted tointoxicating things: 8. a tippler, a drunkard. taxes, s, a fisherman; a class of Hindus. tozo), e. identity with or absorption into the divine essence, emancipation. togetà, g. the name of a fish.” Yoga, e. the lotus, the waterlily. Rosa, s. in mytho, the paradise of the Hindus, the residence of Shiva. tortos, s. boyhood, the time of boyish cool, s. a well, a fog or mist. [youth. &ISTF1, Coios"il, e. a mist or fog, haze. co, s. a groaning or croaking sound. ... ) [ 83 J কোথ cărei, s. a condition,a stipulation, a bet, goto, e. the flank, side, hip, [a clause. goto, cool, n, to shrivel up, to curl, to crimp, to curl up, to shrink, to shrivel: s a crumple, a curl, a contraction, a crisped place in a leaf, a fold. কোকড়, কোকড়ান, a. ehrivelled, crisped erimped, puekered: s. vide কোকড়ানি, কোকড়ানি, s. a shrivelling up, a curling of hair, a crumpling of paper or cloth. কোক, v, a to groan, to moan, togrunt. &Tofo, s, the act of groaning, amoaning. কোকানি, s, a groan, a moan, a moaning. Coso, v. n. to shrink up, to shrivel, to contract, to become curled or crisped. wo o - -! Go!Go!, s. a groaning or croaking sound. că 5, e. a sheafof fish spears, a harpoon. &#15&l, cofol, s. a snarl in a rope occa sioned by its being overtwisted. &#153, s, the lap end of a garment tucked up in front just about the waist. căț5 grosso, g. a kind of tobacco. çësolois, s, a ringworm of the waist. çặtszitviigi, s. a woman of Kuch Behar. Częssazo, e. a species of heron. কোচবেহার, 8. the name of a country. gåTS, s. the tuck of the lower garment: v. a. to plait, to pucker. [puckered. cássia, s, a plat, the plaiting of cloth: a. căr5tzz, s. a train-bearer. [ment long. gF 5fS, a. wearing the tuck of the garcătă, g. the clitoris. g:R5, s, the tender stem of a bambu. orgos, or of goso, s. a mushroom. orgof, s, the hydrocele, the sarcocele. cáfyi, e. vide côt$; also, the loop-hole of an ornament, or of a gilt button. Czors, s. a groan, a straining effort. কোতা, কোতান, cide কোথ, &c. gātsas, e. a club, a bludgeon: v. to beat, to bang; cătsfēzi-71, to beat, bang. czštof, czặtari, v. n. to groan, to grunt, to strain, to moan: 8, a groan, a grunt. cătoa, otosta, e. the act of groaning or moaning, a grunting or straining. cáiototya, s. the uttering of groans or plaintive sounds, a straining at stool.