বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:Dialogues, Intended to Facilitate the Acquiring of the Bengali Language.djvu/১৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটিকে বৈধকরণ করা হয়েছে। পাতাটিতে কোনো প্রকার ভুল পেলে তা ঠিক করুন বা জানান।


 Khansaman; What are the separate offices of all these? Tell the particulars.

 Sir, as your command.


 Next day the gentleman rising in the morning ordered:—

 Khidmutgar, bring the chillumchee and ewer with water; I want to wash my face.

 Sir, water is ready, please to wash your face.

 Call the Barber, I will be shared.

 Sir, the Barber is come; please to be shared.

 Where is the Barber; I want my hair dressed.

 Sir, I am he; I am present.

 Bearer, bring clean linen. I will change my clothes.

 Give orders to the Coachman; let him get the carriage ready; I will go an airing.

 Coachman, make haste, get the carriage ready.

 which carriage shall I get ready; the coach and four, or the chaise and pair?

 Get ready the coach and four.


 Khansaman, lay the table for breakfast; I will soon return. Get the great table ready; several gentlemen will breakfast here.

 Then, Sir, I will lay the table in the great hall.