পাতা:Reminiscences Speeches And Writings Of Sir Gooroo Dass Banerjee Reminiscences pt. 1.pdf/৩১৩

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292 TRIBUTEs. To His MEMORY. was the best man we had got, and by his death India has lost one of her brightest jewels. I associate myself with every thing that has fallen from the AdvocateGeneral and the Senior Government Pleader. The Hindu community and we, one and all, mourn his loss. THE CIIIEF JUSTICE. The Chief Justico said:-Mr. Advocate-General, Mr. Senior Government Pleader, and Mr. Kali Nath Mitter: My learned brothers and I desire to associatic ourselves with what has been so ably said at the Bar, and express our great regret at the death of Sir Gooroo Dass Bancrjcc. By his death the country has sustained a very great loss. For many years and in many ways, Sir Gooroo Dass Banerjee devoted his life to the public scrvice. He was a member of the Bengal Iegislative Council, and served as the Vice-Chancellor of the University, and in these capacities, and in many others, he cimployed his whole power and influence for the public good and in the interest of the community. He was a Judge of this Court for a great number of years, and during all those years he upheld the great traditions of this Court in a most worthy manner. There is no doubt that his name will long be remembered as one of the foremost and most useful men of his day. There are other characteristies upon which I would dwell for a moment. Ho was a man of engaging personality; his life was noted for simplicity and sincerity: he was a man of great accomplishments, and a great Sanskrit scholar, and, as has already been mentioned by the learned Advocate-General, he was a complete master of the English language. His speeches were remarkable