বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড)/৭৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
‘নিউইয়র্ক টাইমস’-এর সাথে পররাষ্টমন্ত্রী শরণ সিংহের সাক্ষাৎকার ‘দি নিউইয়র্ক টাইমস’ ১৩ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১



December 12 1971

 The foreign minister of India said in an interview today (December 12) that his Government had no territorial designs in East Pakistan and did not want to destroy Pakistan. Swarna singh, a tall bearded man wearing a white turban and a Nchru jacket, also said that India would never in any way be subservient to the Soviet Union or any other foreign power. He added that India hoped to have normal relation with China.

 Mr. Swaran singh, answering questions in his suite at the Carlyle Hotel, was asked whether he thought that the breakaway of East Pakistan as the independent nation of Bangladesh could threaten the existence of Pakistan. He replied:

 “I would not call this a breakaway of East Pakistan. Geographically, the two units are more than 1,000 miles apart; ethnically and linguistically, they are different altogether. I do not see why West Pakistan should have any fear of apprehension, if, in the assertion of their right of self determination, the people of Bangladesh succeed in achieving independence for Bangladesh”.

Act of self-denial

 “We are not out to destroy Pakistan. The leadership that agreed to the partition of India in 1974 is still living”.

 Mr. Swaran Sing added that when India decided to recognize the Government of Bangladesh “We made a clear announcement of India’s intention not to have any territorial designs against the territory of Bangladesh”.

 “It was an act of self-denial”, he said. “We did not want to get there as an army of occupation or having any territorial designs on Bangla Desh”.

 Mr. Swaran Singh spoke a few moments before the White House, in issuing a call for a new security Council meeting, declared that the War on the subcontinent was taking on the character of an armed attack on “the very existence” of Pakistan.

 He was asked for his reaction to charges made by the Chinese representative in the security council that the Soviet Union was using India as a tool in a plan to encircle China, and whether he thought that there was a threat of Chinese intervention if East Pakistan became independent.

 “I want to say categorically and very clearly that there is no question of India being exclusively dependent on the U.S.S.R.

 “India, ever since the independence, has established the India identity and the Indian personality has always refused, and will always refuse, to be a tool of any power whatsoever. We have our own ways of working and our own objectives”.

Differences between Neighbors

 “India and China are neighbors. In the recent past, and at the present moment, there have been differences. Differences between neighbors are not uncommon. We believe that the people of China and the people of India want to live as good neighbors and that the time is not far off when relations will be normalized.

 “The present situation has been brought about by the conduct of West Pakistan’s military rulers in continuing atrocities and suppressing results of elections. It is this, unwise polity that has created a feeling of cohesion among the people of Bangladesh which has culminated in the emergence of a free Bangla Desh”. he replied.

 I don’t see why in such situation the people’s Republic of China should intervene in a matter which is, in origin and by history, a matter between the people of East Pakistan and West Pakistan military rulers. We have been dragged into this on account of the pushing of about 10 million refugees into India territory.”

 “I don’t see how and why the Government of the people’s Republic of China should find it necessary to intervene in the situation.”

 Asked to comment on United States policies during the crisis, Mr. Swaran Singh, said:

 “We believe that the United States with its tremendous influence on President (Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan) could have exercised their influence in bringing about reconciliation between the west Pakistan military leaders and the people of Bangladesh If the United States had exercised (this influence) it would have helped Pakistan to tide over this crisis.”

Charges of delay Rejected

 The foreign Minister strongly rejected the charge made by same delegates that India had sought to delay action in the Security Council and the General Assembly to give her forces time to achieve military victory in East Pakistan. He said: “There is no question of our gaining time. We never started the war, never declared the war, But in the present situation that was developing, It was futile to consider the possibility of restoration of normal and peaceful conditions without the people of Bangla Desh. It is in this respect that the international community failed to take note of what was happening in Bangla Desh.

 “The collision course of the Pakistani Military Generals has to be abandoned and atmosphere must be created for the smooth withdrawal of west Pakistan forces from Bangladesh, so that the people of Bangladesh can take their future in their own hands. That is the essential point.”