পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২২০

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নিরা fogg,a.having no space between, incessant, unintermitted, solid, impervious. forgotă, a close, solid, having no space fagä, a destitute of food. [between. fago, not agreeing with another word in a sentence; destitute of posterity. fit gossa, a free from loss or detriment. fag of 5 a.childless, without issue. [dent. figofāvi, a. shameless, immodest, impufog vizsä, a free from accusations. [less. figofā īss, fR størst 1st, a. innocent, guiltfag «NIHI, s. security, safety. fog ostit; a. secure, safe. [ence. forczio, a. independent; -ël, independfog cofol, S. independence, indifference. fosz, a. silent, mute, quiet. [of leisure. frigzzosos, without leisure, busy: 8, a want fag zastoft, a notatleisure, busy. [willed. foszolo, independent, uncontrolled, selfforzfoa.unaffected by, unpossessed of, alone, unadulterated. [high, not mean. frozWJ, a.superior, complete, established, নিরবদ্যবিদ্য, a. clever, well-versed. fagaso, a, unlimited, endless, boundless. fazzaz, a. destitute of members or componentparts, simple, unorganic. (ture. figzzzol, -o, s. a want of organic strucfrozzio, s. a want of dependence. forzāāt, a not depending on. fazzos, a. without leisure, busy. forg, s. hell, a place of punishment. fossfi, unobstructed, uncontrolled, easy. faz of, fog off, a useless, vain, fruitless. f=[g víziisi, s. vanity, inutility, uselessness. frigån, a. not idle, not indolent,diligent. fog on, s. a not eating: a, fasting. f(zzi, a juiceless, dry, sapless. fosso, a. defeated, desisted, restrained, appeased, assuaged, calmed, allayed. fog Roos, a. subduing, calming, allaying. fog 3, a. weaponless, unarmed. fost, a. peaceable, pacific, tranquil. fog of g, humility: a, not proud, humf=gz Ftặt, a, not proud, humble. [ble. fo, a not grown proud. fogizsäc, s.thedriving away or expelling of a person, extermination. [ 208 || নিরী নিরাকরণীয়, fortatisfj, a, exterminable. নিরাকাঙক্ষ, figfossot, a free from desire, contented, satisfied. Tout form. forgfoss, a. incorporeal, shapeless, withfosto, a, expelled, driven away, banished, exterminated. [extermination. নিরাকৃতি, a. pide fostoffs: s. expulsion, fog TC+P*I, s. the absence of displeasure. for sists, s. a not approaching. [cealed. frzTIEE, fzzTIEEiftw,a. uncovered, unconf{{Town, a. destitute of a covering. fiz!fö, a. close, concealed, solid, mot holfosso, a. safe, secure, fearless. [low. footoss, a. destitute of a receptacle, fulcrum, or support; incessant, continual. fã31<IÃl, a incessant, continual. forfaş, or f(gTR&#, a, ninety-nine. f{#so, a. sad, dejected, joyless, cheerless: s. sadness, dejection, displeasure. fostofo, a, not gladdened, gloomy, sad. foot-ife, f(31° W, a.secure, safe: s, freedom from misfortune, security, safety. fossois, ad. in safety, in security. fosso, a uncovered, bare, exposed. foLISTI, a free from disease, healthy. forts[st, a not diseased, healthy. [flesh. f{{ifts, a. destitute of flesh, excluding for Cosso, f(ATC-Tăt, a joyless, gloomy. নিরায়ুধ, a. destitute of weapons. f=gTziz,a.desert, destitute of habitations. f=[z[f##J, s. freedom from indolence: a. fog Tool, ad. privately, in secret. [diligent. foLIT, a hopeless, despairing. fF forț, a. destitute of a scope or object: S. the want of a scope or object. fúToti, s. despair, despondency. [ness. fossosh, s. discouragement, hopelessfoglossăt, a not hoping, discouraging. নিরাস, 8. a repelling, a driving away. ÍRATHB, a. repelling, repulsive. fR#Tristi, s. repulsion, repulsiveness. foLocol, ad. repulsively. [food. FAIRT3, a fasting: s. an abstaining from solofát, abstaining from food, fasting. fRýtvēzē,a lookingat, gazingat, viewing, observing, seeing: S. one who looks. fażloo, s, a looking, seeing, viewing.