নিয় footh", a middling, rather good. fossis, dipped, immersed, sunk, drowned. *song, s. a small sword, a scimetar. fRatgizi, a. parboiled, half-boiled. foLalal, s, the elephant (in chess). fassà, s, invitation, a call; -o, to invite. fassàzo, a. inviting: s. one who invites. fool, s. an inviting, invitation, call. foxia-iwis, s, letter or card of invitation. fassàsity, fossos, a fit or proper to be infosfos, a. invited, called. [vited. fûs a, s. a change, a succession, an alteration, a barter, an exchange. [ed. fassà têt, somewhat satisfied, half-pleas*fasi, footfon, s. a sort of jacket, cloak. *f TIST, s. Moslem prayer, a prayer. fifts, s. a cause, reason, a motive, an instrumental cause, a source, mark, sign. fiftazo, ad. by, through, caused by, arisffirgs, -să, s. causality. [ing from. frtford, ad. for the sake of, on account of. fifts, s, a twinklingofthe eye, a moment. fitzio, a. shutting the eyes: s. a sphinefRiftzz, s, winking, closing the eyes. [ter. fF ffSis, a. closed, shut. [forlorn. নিমুড়িয়া, orfosi, a friendless, orphan, fossa, s. a wink, a twinkling of the eye. foot, a low, depressed, deep, sunk. [ing. foss, descending going down; deep-flowfool, s. lowness, a depression, a cavity. fa', s. lime, lemon, orange, citron. [tual. fait,a regular, directed, uniform, perpefosso, s. a law, regulation, appointment, destiny, luck, good or bad fortune. fool, s. a ruler, a director, a regulator. foo!, s. directorship, regulatorship. fosso, a not obstructed, free. fRHÍR EI, s. a freedom from obstruction. fogs, s. a regulation, a rule, a law, a law of nature, an agreement, a covenant, a stipulation, a treaty, a contract, assent. fosso, s, one who makes rules or laws, one who stipulates or covenants. fzzzT-III, s. a writing, regulation, a writ ten agreement, a treaty. - fore of, s, the making of a rule void, the infraction of a treaty or contract. [ 207 ) নির forwaza, e. the transgressing of a ruld or precept, or the terms of a treaty. fosfors, fonifas, a. orderly, stipulated, agreed on, regulated, covenanted. fazita, s, the same as faz n. foto, a regulating, acting as a prime mover, regulating themotions of machinery: s. a regulator, regulating cause. fossos, -o, a, the condition or office of a regulator, or of regulating cause. fast of, a. appointed to an office, appoint ed, constituted, commanded. fR*IF sı, s. abeingconstitutedorappointনিযুত, a million, ten lakhs. [ed to office. fassà, s. a wrestling, a boxing, pugilism. façoso, a, eligible to office. façoisol, s. commander, one who enjoins, or appoints to office. [commanding. facsiol, s, the office of appointing or foots, s. an appointment to office, an order, a command, a precept, a constitution; in gram, the imperative mode. facilissoil, s, one who appoints to office, one who issues precepts or commands. footsfoor, 8. in the Hindu law, the appointing of a widow to raise offspring by her husband's brother. [ed. facatsit, a. appointed, ordered, commandfoLosso, appointing to office, commanding, enjoining: s. same as facatsrstí. fosso, e. the appointing of aperson, the laying an injunction upon any one. forgists,focuses, a fit to be appointed, requiring a precept or command. soulfo, a. appointed to office, consti tuted, ordered, commanded. so, prep. in comp, it gives the idea of privation, absence, or negation. fagot, a. destitute of a share or lot. fagot, a. destitute of a partner, single. fag*t, a. unrestrained,free,self-willed. fool, s, freedom, liberty, free-will. fog-an,a pure, free from stain, holy; free from antimony: s.thecasting of an idol into the water after its worship is over. foss, a, excessively delighted with, very fossos, a not nasal. [fond of.
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