বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:ইংরেজের জয় বা আরকট অবরোধ ও পলাশী.pdf/২৩৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

之文8 ইংরেজের জয় । The Admiral made the follovein, Y 'etat 'n to the Naval. I received the letter, you have done me the honour to Write me, by faniel Roy, who has given me the greatest Satisfaction by acquainting me with your good disposition towards our nation; and your sincere desire to live with us in the strictest terms of friendship and alliance. Before this letter can come to your hands, he မ္ဘိဒ္ဓိ will have made known to you, how much I agree in the same Sentiments; the sincerity of which I hope every day to manifest more and more, that you may be thereby convinced how much the English have been Wronged by those who have represented them to you, as an ambitious, troubleSome people. I trust you will live to see by their conduct henceforward, that their character is the very reverse; and that there is not in the World a more peaceable people, when not oppressed; although I confess there are none more ready to draw the Sword, when greatly injured. The paper of agreement to the treaty Rn my part, I send you herewith, done in the mann. So desired it, signed with my hand and sealed with my seal. And I call upon the Almighty, Whom W 接、 both worship, to bear witness against and punish me, if I ever fail in observing to the utmost of my . power, every part of the treaty, concluded betW yourself and the English nation, SO long as '"