পাতা:ঐতিহাসিক চিত্র (প্রথম বর্ষ) - নিখিলনাথ রায়.pdf/২৪২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ՀՀԵ ঐতিহাসিক চিত্ৰ । সরফরাজের ইন্দ্ৰিয়বিকার হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা হইতে পারে। ইহাও বলিতে ছাড়েন নাই । সরফরাজ তখন অল্পবয়স্ক যুবা পুরুষ নহেন, এরূপ অবস্থায় তাহার সেই a demand which he knew the principles of his caste forbid a compliance with. "Neither the tears nor remonstrances of the old man had any weight on the Soubah, who growing outrageous at his refusal ordered in his presence his house to be immediately surronuded with a body of horse and, swore on the khoran that if he complied in sending his grand daughter, that he might only see her, he would instantly return he without any injury. The Seet reduced to this extremity, and judging from the Soubah's known impetuosity, that his persisting longer ir a denial would only make his disgrace more public, at last consented and the young creature was carried with the greatest secrecy in the night to visit him. She was returned the same night, we will suppose ( for the honour of that house) uninjured; be this as it may, the violence was of too delicate a nature te permit any future commerc between her and her husband. "The indignity was never forgiven by Juggaut Seet and that who powerful family, consequently became inveterate, though, conceale enemies to the Soubah' ( Holwell's 1nteresting Historical Events, Part I. Chap 2 pp. 76—77. ) "His (Jug gut Seet's) eldest son, soon after the disgrace of Alumchan married a woman of excquisite beauty, the report of which alone inflame the curiosity of the Nabab so much that he insisted on seeing hel although he knew the disgrace which would be fixed on the family by showing a wife, unveiled, to a stranger. Neither the remonstrance of the father, nor his power to revenge the indignity, availed to diver the Nabab from this insolent and futile resolution. The young woma. was sent to the palace in the evening ; and after staying there a shor space returned, unviolated indeed, but dishonoured to her husband. (Orme's Indostan, Madras reprint Vol 11 p. 3o) & Glect, it wif Sics; if জন্য সরফরজের ইন্দ্ৰিয়ালালসাং কথা লিখিয়াছেন এবং প্র কারান্তরে তাহার চরিত্ৰনাশে সন্দেহ কারিয়াছেন ; দশ বৎসরের বালিকার চরিত্র নষ্ট করা এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে সম্ভব কিনা সাধারা বিবেচনা করিয়া দেখিবেন । অৰ্ম্মে বালিকার স্থলে woman কথা প্ৰয়োগ করিয়াছেন, যদি একস্থলে তাহার young বিশেষণটীিও দিয়াছেন, তাহার unviolated কথায়ও সরফরাজে প্ৰতি কটাক্ষ করার ভাব বুঝা যাইতেছে।