পাতা:মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের জীবন-চরিত - যোগীন্দ্রনাথ বসু.pdf/২১৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মাতন্দ্ৰাজ-প্ৰবাস । here I had no friends ; but now, many a barbarous villain, born and bred here, would be glad to be in my shoes. "Fortune,” says the Latin Poet, "favours the brave.' Pray let me have the money as early as you can. Get good old Sham to get an order from Bagshaw and Co. to Bainbridge & Co. of this city, for such a sum to be paid at sight to the high and mighty M. Dutt. Esqr. & Co. or order. So much for business. Printing, my friend, is as dear, here, as possible. What could II do P My printer is impatient. I am sure you can ask some friends to get you a few purchasers. I make you my plenipotentiary to sell the books at any rate you like ; only let me have money to pay my printer. As regards my liabilities to the Public Library, I am not aware of owing them any thing, beyond some money which I had promised to pay them as a donation. Your friend must wait till I am better off. lt would be absurd for a poor Devil to bc discharging his debts of honour, incurred when he was in prosperous circumstances, at a time, whicn he has scarcely the necessaries of life to bless himself with. You must tell your friend that I shall make arrangements as soon as I can and have the means to do so. You astonish me by saying that old Banquo * has not been written to, by me. What has he done with the letter, I wrote to him some months ago, addressed to your care P I have never heard from him since.

  • ইনি মধুসূদনের সহাধ্যায়ী বাৰু বন্ধুবিহারী দত্ত । বোধ হয় (ম্যাৰূবেথের Banquo DBDSSBiKDD BBBBDB DD LLtLtLLLaLS DDBDS