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উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

80 Pup. i am losi in wonder anil admiration ! Tut. Them praise God that you are so fearfully and wonderfully made. But I have one thing more to call your attention to, which will also excite your asionishment. It is this: if the bloodi (which is brought agains to the heart, into its other cavity, from the extrealities of the feet ti, rough the veins) was ewer io flow baek, w e sinoald die but this is prevent. ed by small valves, placed in the veins, which pertuit the blood to pass forward, but effect wally prewent its return, م مسييه لجيني و هميسس ه I)l A.) o F. V.—. Continued...) Houp. i Hav i 1ıg •şətwk •rı 1»f ılıe ex tern:ıl aıı«i irıterna] parts of the body, will you new give ore sotme account of the la Honau mind ? 's' it. Yes. 134ts is for superior in exceilence aud oligosity to tito ivody, on account of its intellectual aird mera! how eis, and its itantoi tal de ration.

    • p. What are those powers? | Tuf. They consis in seriwing ideas, thinking, reasoning, judging, and wiiling. And the soul pos. sesses, besides, the faculties of memory and imaginattsvit,

Pup. Has the soul any passions Tut. Y es, such as joy, love, desire, hope, and a sense of honour. It feels pity and compassion. It has also the passions of fear, shame, grief, anger, &c.