পাতা:গ্রাম্য উপাখ্যান - রাজনারায়ণ বসু.pdf/৩৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ভূমিকা। ミノo vernacular in rituals, and sermons at baptism, r arriage and funeral,- tending to make religion a part of daily life and to keep alive in the heart an ever present consciousness of it, -the enforcement of method and orderliness in life, the letting in of “light and sweetness' into poor homes by the artistic culture of women folk. How very precious the second is as a factor of race improvement and how deeply though unconsciously Brahmo homes are influencing Hindu ones, tirpe will fully show. But I can say that thoughtful Hindus are heartily sick of the religious chaos and vacuity in which they have been left by the passing away of the old order. Their priests and regular ceremonies have disappeared, and no new system, no Organisation, has been founded for regularly ministering to their spiritual wants, especially the moral training of the young. A few spasmodic efforts in this direction have been made by Dharma Sabhas and Gita Societies, but they have not yet hit upon the right path. The organisation of a new and regular ministry is the problem of Hinduism to-day, and the Brahmo Church alone can throw light on its solution.