পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/১৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

8 vid, till its final conquest by the Babylonians. Some of these were wicked men, who introduced idolatry by building altars in the groves, and setting up the ineages of false gods. Others were કળા men and good kings, who governed accordjng to the law given to Moses, breaking down the altars and the idols, and bringing back the people to the worship of the true God. The kings of Israel were wicked men. Jeroboam was unwilling to have the people go up to the temple at Jerusalein. He feared they would become interested in the service of the temple, and in the king, and priests, and people of Judah ; and thus dം് again to unite themselves to that kingdom, and be governed by the descendants of David. He set up two golden calves, therefore, one at Bethel in the southern part of his kingdom, and another at Dan in the northern part. He comInäiřtřed i:4 h ເມee yearly festival: should be cclebrated before these idols. This he did in initation of the idolatry, of the Egyptians, who wor shipped animals. Jeroboam lived at Shechem,