পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/২২৭

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222 in honor of one of their idols. He determied to attempt surprising the city at that junctures حمامهههخداحممم : CHAPTER XIV. Belshazzar's Feast—Babylon is taken by the Medes and Persians. The day of the festival at length arrived, and all was bustle and gaiety in Babylon. The inhabitants seemed to have forgotten that an enemy was at their very gates. It is probable they had been, from the murning, offering sacrifices to their idols; and towards evening had begun making preparations for spending the night in mirth and festivity. Belshazzar gave a splendid entertainment, to which he invited the princes of the empire, one thousand of his lords, his concubines and the ladies of his court. Evening now came on. The skies in that delicious climate are, from the great equableness of its temperature, uncommonly brilliant and beautiful. Multitudesofstars are alwaysvisible through the clear atmosphere, the galaxy or milkyway, exhibits a broad belt jof silver light, and the refulgent moon appears f