পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/৩৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

30 the interests of his kingdom, as well as to wean them from their own country. But Daniel determined not to eat the king's meat nor drink his wine. Some of the meats would be such as the Jews were forbidden to eat, and some might have been previously offered to idols. At any rate, it was a luxurious mode of living, in which Daniel did not wish to indulge ; and his three friends joined with him in choosing a more temperate diet. It was a delicate task for these yon ng men, strangers and captives as they were, to make known their determination sto their superiors. But Daniel's prudence equalled his firmness and self-denial. He modestly requested Ashphenaz to suffer them to decline the king's bounty, and to allow them to live on vegetables aud water. Daniel’s amiable qualities had already won the estees and regard of the chief officer, but he dared not comply with such a request. He told Daniel