
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অপৰি 15 অপকরণ, sfał was, to do wrong, hinder, obstruct. wors. Forst, evil tendency, wrong bias, pre-observance. wross, ownto wrote sisa, an unfair seizing, a biassing, a drawing from what is right. sorows, sfoots, indelible stain, blot, disgrace. wrota, srse, wro, hindrance, detriment, injury. worstfá, gén, ill-fame, infamy. worrs, orga, a withdrawing, flight, retreat. অপঙ্করস, অহ্মরস, chyle. worsts, stors costão, feeding on raw food or unripe fruits. worsts, erota, departure, deviation. worra, soya, a member, limb. worsts, as, murder, tragical or sudden death. woog, wra, loss, detriment, dispersion, waste. viosta, sereiros, indigestion. sotsry, Ts, cars, an apparition, phantom, unhealthy o injurious shadow. - অপত্য, পুঞ্জ, ৰুমা, a child. sexæri, versIrst, bashfulness. জপত্রপিয়ু, অজাশীল, bashful. [ploy; a reptile. som, em afra; ...ísrs, without feet, out ofofice or emwothra, onse, a finished work, approved occupation. অপদার্থ, অধোগ্য; শূন্যত, nothing, vanity; unfit, incompetent. worzyrz, rassforts cers fortsist, apparition, ghost. *tw•t, ww, pretext, pretence. [cursing. wou->rs, ses; of sist, breaking to pieces, abhorring, worrow, was, a taking from; act of dying. [ground. werifs, worstan,-wrotes, a dashing or beating on the *rof Afs, detachment from matter, beatitude. sorrús, nec pot srl, an abridging. urerra, farii; retrifă, accusation, libel. অপৰান্স, অলপ করণ, a deduction. vefrs, FPés, pulverized, broken small. werug, gottaro, prodigality, profuse expenditure. worston, orators, low, vulgar, contemptible, or obscene language. | gle