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16 זזיקף worso, ofts aros, offs, common vulgar talk, low term; fill, want of success, failure. - & wors, forso, dishonour, insult, disgrace, affront. অপমৃত্যু, রোগ asfors of, inauspicious or untimely death. weta, was, other, another. - ovarttas, ww.scists; "focusto, other people, another world. <stərggra, gif o c•ta wtof, the end of the night. অপরম্পর, নিয়ত, continual. «eigts, orto, wscatst; **í, a fault, guilt, sin. weats, onvotst, otos, guilty, faulty, criminal, sons, oxsto, afternoon. serats sa, èssifr", belonging to the afternoon. sofặata, vrTytą «Tafol, original or unchanged state; un changeable. অপরুদ্ধ, ক্ষুৰ, affected, pained, distressed. woot, wrovár, preternatural, ugly, distorted, queer. worsog, oftwa, the morrow, day following. volá, outro, e qfísão sol, leafless, an incomplete number. [denying. worrors, of roto, a slandering, belieing, talking scandal, soinas, atmos, the left hand or side. **trig«, erYfT, °(TFR, a withdrawing, retreating. servita, o "trător, epilepsy. wors, ossi, a killing, murdering. wooga, &sis, plundering, purloining, unfair taking. wool, ost, a murderer. zorgtg, cầsír, pillage, plunder, depredation, robbery. অপহব, dès, sonto, denial, concealment. অপা লিবি, সমুত্র, the sea. worto, so arts stor, the outer corner of the eye, small circle on the forehead: lame, ugly, deformed. womanofs, owess, glance, imperfect view. [writing. •tertè, fivtji •rtâ, false reading, interpolatiom, unauthentic *itors, ow, *, a taking from, origin. wrotra, ew cows, the anus, a not drinking, air inhaled. setrVE, oforIE, unrestrained. -ogle