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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

32 ●कौ witson, caturates Merwton, to wash the mouth after eat ing, to sip water (in worship), to guess. witso-, zoo cossutos, border of a garment. ofan, assa, antimony, lead ore. [water. souri, as fi, the palms of the hands joined so as to hold stew, “Fourn, to bind, tighten, pull tight, speak sharply. strę, førsz wstsei, cus, the pining or wasting of a weaned child; envy. offggi. ssausa, a bull; diseased from being weaned. worse, oftects s, co, pining (as a weaned child), envious. vår«, sa, the bowels, entrails. witHo, erosoft, the room of a lying-in woman. vữts#ĩa, s# ##*i, siĩS*, to fear, dread ; horror. otsar, ow, blind. wituta, susta, darkness, gloom. <&tx, sit, a mango. [of cloth, &c. ot", os, fibres in the bark of trees, or in fruits, nap ভীশাল, osyl-of-faro, stringy, full of fibres. etwetors, cois, eating till overfilled. wiso, wrotro, asking or praying but little; indifferent. *I, Brts, Yī, origin, root, source, spring, mine, quar ry, grit, grittiness. sts for, eros, to hear, listen. «Trạsí, štąfş, a tendril. wfossa, brow, too, to draw, attract, seize, drag, plough. watosol, swift, fans, a spasm; science, whatever engages the mind or attracts; a tendril. আকর্ষিণী, আকর্ষক, attractive. stafars, otofo, unexpected, coming unexpectedly. stol, Koti, a hearth, furnace, kiln. stool-w, wrots, strong, lusty, jolly, plump, imperfectly cleansed from the husk. আকাঙু, its, rost-tl, desire, wish, expectation, hope. আকাট, অনাবৃre, drought, want of rain, cessation of a shower, cessation from charity orother virtue. wfootsol, osso, unshaven, not bereft of its fangs.