
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

জাণু 33 sists, off form, shape, figure, appearance, statue, like IlêSSজাকারাদি, আদ্যাকারমুক্ত, beginning with জা, জাকারান্ত, অন্ত্যাকারযুক্ত, ending with অt. wrots, Rosses, a famine. wrotfirs, ourg. premature, unseasonable, out of season. wrotes, oxy, the sky, atmosphere, air, space. wrotei, assogăzi, a light in the air, elevated lanthorn, a beacon. wrotest, wroteig, swag, airy, aerial, celestial, unsubstantial. আকিঙ্কন, আকুঞ্চল,-চেষ্টা, ength, endeavour, labour, exertion, contortion. [ed. wrotes, wintertfors, sprinkled or overspread with, intersperswrotes, work, wfoss, non-plussed, confounded, shrinking with shame. [ference. জাকুণ্ডকুণ্ড, fatwa is, aggravation of a quarrel by interআকুল, কাতর, troubled, agitated, confused, distressed. wrofs, afs, shape, form, likeness, image. আকৃf è, ors, wrass, attraction, persuasion. wr:FR, 5 ște, assa, invasion, seizing upon, attack. wrot, Wons, dear in price, not cheap. [cupied with. wriffs, zorotators, invaded, seized, held, engrossed, ocwrotors, 5%texts, invading, &c.; an invader, usurper. wrotes, cotet, coffs, resentment, cry, lamentation, regret, reproof, imprecation, reproach, censure. wrotgal, ston, an aggression, attack, abuse, provocation. জাকুটী, farís, arte, merciless, implacable, savage, barbarous; a virago, vixen. [a comprizing. strw•t, fawl, c•R, reproof, reproach, grief,sarcasm, irony; wers, stronzo, choir of singers, company of smokers or talkers; the place where such meet. আখণ্ড, अधूछे, whole, entire, perfect, unbroken. wtell, Kal, a furnace, kiln. - wis. So, a rat, mouse. wisse, waarutral, whim, caprice, peevishness. wtoo, so, footn, feeding on rats; a cat. Yo - -le - *