বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

56 জীয়ো இ š«, čify, a pot, saucepan. - svrga, prst, to vomit, bring up the cud; vomit. \sat, atm, *f*n, crist, hot, pungent, peevish, surly, cross, passionate. উষারণ, উলঙ্গকরণ, কেলান, to uncover, strip, lay bare. উকুন, উকু৭, a louse. [course, Worstet, craw, introduction of a topic or subject of disEssi, ssari,—stato, headstrong, unruly, mischievous, bold, insolent. ësira-sta, ston, to toss up in a sieve, to sift. উচিত, ন্যাষ্য, যোগ্য, right, fit, proper, suitable, conve nient. Szsfè, càrrg, a trip, stumble. खेक्र, উদ্ধৃ, Siro, high, lofty, loud. So, soats, wrots, pride, arrogance, a custom, usage. Gwe, sts, F5, quick, hasty, expeditious. wrait, finists, uneasy, restless, troubled, flighty, vain. Śws, firs, co, droll, comical, jocose. Śwsks, ss, ofts, uttered, pronounced, said, spoken. Śwtow, fasty, Soto, sadness, gloom, sullenness, ruin, oppression; to vex, harrass, cause to remove, ission, foss, sofas, inclined to gloom or sullenness. উচ্চাৰচ, অসমান, নানাবিধ, uneven, not level, various, multi form. Gwlą, fasi, zrn, excrement, filth, manure. উচ্চার-ণ, উল্লেখ, শব্দপ্রয়োগ, utterance, pronunciation. **, *, *, loud; aloud, on high. Šećeral, ow, deaf, high-eared. [relinquished. §ogs, fontsers. ruined, destroyed, laid waste, stript of, Èfgr, «fss, wè, cut off, ruined. [leavings. উচ্ছিষ্ট, অবশিষ্ট, ত্যক্ত, left, remaining, rejected after tasting; èñëèvi, sav-ta, a remnant, orts, leavings. > উদ্ধৃঙ্খল, arrafo, orator, irregular, confused, self-willed, licentious, loose, unrestrained. So, foot-, ruin, destruction, devastation, excision. *g, essa,—sol, height, elevation, a height.