खेठे 57 \ss, ers, $ois, elevated, exalted, born, produced, grown, increased, prosperous. štva, zna, to vomit. উ, উজ,—সরল, straight, direct, sincere, honest, upright. $row, ****, awa, to tear up by the roots, to vomit. *R, facts, against the grain, in an opposite direction. ***, footwangs, to swim against the stream, to flood as the tide. [pools). **śts, aviffortist, wandering (as fish from the rivers into डेश्रज, छटजद्भ উদ্ধাধোগমন, *foral, the dashing of the waves, a tossing or agitation. &R, ow, to rise as a wave, to be tossed, agitated. Bæfa, ê topota, Esmirn, to toss, agitate, siit. *ars, as, waaf, a wilderness, deserted place. šara, stan, an upper country, hill-country. *sa, waga, oneofs, a common report, rumour. *Hägi, owing, wandering (as fish in the rains). È SÈ, eraf, Goirs, waste, ruined, desolate, desert. **o-s, Re-oriša, first-, eradication, tearing up by the roots, ruin, destruction. [ous. **śrg, seizsät, avīsār, wasteful, lavish, expensive, ruinউজ্জ্বল, ffswrw, eretel, luminous, splendid, bright, splen dor, brightness, blaze. , Sŵofa, qura, to blaze up, enkindle. ਦੋਵੂਝ, wors, lest, abandoned, relinquished. *g-w, ora, a gleaning, collecting of grains. so, starssia, to dry rice by the fire for unhusking. È Èè, «rşif, a camel; dried leaves, grass, thatch. §§ston, fosts, storgos, foreign, unknown, vagrant. ***, *i-stati, erstosts so, a thatched house. *ềềa, &ĩz# c#aa, to take goods on credit. [as scurf. ###, wors, to heave or swell from moisture, to scale off ****, *.csso, search, enquiry, a tracing out. উইকে, retti, straying, wandering, unknown. ¥âw, xú, •ta, a clue, guide. **, *.*, a rising up, mounting, elevation. H | gle