পাতা:পলাশির যুদ্ধ.djvu/২১১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ రిలి | them at length; we will therefore content ourselves by referring the reader to the original. It would be doing, however, ūjustice to the poet if we did not subjoin a translation of the concluding lines of Rani Bhowani's speech. We only regret that our translation does not contain a tithe of the force and beauty of the original. + # 普 봉 赞 Noble sentiments these, but rather overdrawi, for a Bengali lady! Of the mérits of second canto we cannot speak too highly. If our author had not written anything else, this single canto would have placed him high in the rank of poets. It is here where he desplays his descriptive powers to the best advantage. The pencil of the painter could not have given us a more vivid picture of the British camp than what has been pre sented to us by the graphic pen of Nobin Chunder. We translate the few opening lines — “The azure heavens, decked with golden clouds, were smiling above; beneath danced the playsul Gunga, whose waters of liquid god were kissed with a melodious murmut by the gentle evening breeze; only a single sun decked the western sky, while on Gunga's limpid stream danced a thousand reflected ones.” But the párt which has pleased us most is the interview of Clive with the guardain goddess of England. The richness and originality of imagery, the brilliant flights of fancy, and the striking vigour of the lines remind us of the wild freedom of the Byronic Muse. We will allude to one more of the numerous gems scattered throughout this canto--we mean