বঙ্কিজ রচনাবলী affecsi Read here, I suppose you can do that. I am going to report you to the Government for this piece of folly. এই বলিয়া সাহেব কাগজখানা বাবার কাছে ফেলিয়া দিলেন, বাবা কুড়াইয়া লইয়া পড়িলেন। Jag kifæri, “Do you now understand?” Deputy. Yes, Sir, but this man was not a European British subject. Magistrate. How do you know that? Deputy. He was very dark. Magistrate. Do you find it laid down in the Law that a fair skin is the only evidence by which a man shall be adjudged to be a European subject? Deputy. No, Sir. Magistrate. Well, what other evidence did you take? এখন ডিপটিবাবটি বহনকালের ডিপটি-জানিতেন যে, তাকে তাঁহার জিত নিশ্চিত, কিন্তু তকে জিতিলেই বিপদ। অতএব সচতুর দেশী চাকুরের যাহা কৰ্ত্তব্য-তােহা করিলেন, তক gift firCain faitsin, "I do not presume to discuss the matter with you, Sir, I see I was wrong, and I am very sorry for it.' এখন মাজিস্ট্রেট সাহেব নিতান্ত বোকা নহেন, ভিতরে ভিতরে একটি রঙ্গদার। এই কথা insis fair fees Pit 3i:Gir, "Very sorry for what?' Deputy. For convicting a European British subject. Magistrate. Why so? Deputy. Because it is very wrong for a native to convict a European British subject. Magistrate. Why very wrong? ডিপটিটি সাহেবকে এক হাটে কিনিতে আর এক হাটে বেচিতে পারে। আমনি উত্তর দিল, Very wrong, because a European British subject cannot commit a crime and a native cannot judge honestly.' Magistrate. Do you admit that? Deputy. I do not see why I should not. I try to do my duty to the best of my ability, but I speak of my countrymen generally. Magistrate. You don't think your countrymen ought to try Europeans? Deputy. Most certainly they should not. The glorious British Empire will come to an end if they do. Magistrate. Well, Babu, I am glad to see you are so sensible. I wish all your countrymen were equally so; at least that all native magistrates were like you. Deputy. Oh Sir how can you expect it, when there are men at the top of our service who think differently. Magistrate. Are you not yourself near the top? You must have served long. Deputy. Unfortunately my claims to promotion have always been overlooked. I thought of speaking to you, Sir, on the subject. Magistrate. You certainly deserve promotion. I will write to the Commissioner and see what can be done for you. ডিপটি তখন দই হাতে সেলাম করিয়া উঠিয়া গেলেন। এই সময়ে জয়েণ্ট সাহেব, বড় সাহেবের কাছে আসিয়া উপস্থিত হইলেন। ডিপটি বাহির হইয়া গেল জয়েণ্ট দেখিলেন। FC, V, ITGaqGF foreFit face, "What could you have been saying to this fellow?” Wy
পাতা:বঙ্কিম রচনাবলী (দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড).pdf/৭২